Fahrenheit 451 Theme Analysis

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In the novel Fahrenheit 451 all the characters play a critical role to the theme. The theme of the novel is to do things your own way, to not follow the rules but instead to make your own and live life. In the novel the rules or laws of the society are very different compared to ours, in the novel you are prohibited to have any sort of literature or any other type of educational tools. Their government controls everything including how they live, there is just about no freedom for anyone. Now there are characters who follow the laws and live like robots programmed by the government, but there are others who think and read and break the laws to live their life their way. So I will tell you about each type of character and then you can see how they tie to the theme. Mildred is Montag's zombie like wife who is obsessed with her paradigm of reality and life. She is usually sitting in front of the TVs at the parlor and shows only little emotion or expressions towards anything other than her television shows. Montag has grown apart from society …show more content…

Now there's no hope of bringing them together among the two. The first time we meet Mildred, she attempted suicide. Although she claims that her "family" (the three talking walls which interact with her) keep her happy, it is easy to see she is suffering some form of depression. One of her favorite things to do is to "take out the beetle", or drive their car at insane speeds, and even killing whatever animals happen to get in the way. She almost never listens to Montag, usually keeping a Seashell radio in her ear, even when sleeping or driving. She represents the unmotivated portion of the society. She doesn't care about war or books, unless it is for her entertainment. She is so numb, she doesn't even know that all her shows are the same. She also doesn't even know she tried to kill herself, which is insane and show how bad her problems

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