Is everyone in this world not aiming for a good job? Human beings start their life by learning how to walk and talk, and then the next stage of their life is getting education which is a long path. In the end their aim is a good job with a good financial security, and of course everyone has to try their best in their jobs. For example a mother’s job is to discipline her children, and much more which cannot be explained in one essay and of course she would want her children to prosper and become accomplished in their lives and be happy, that is why she tries her best in her job. A pilot who flies a plane with hundreds of humans in it and has to finish their job in the best way they can, to ensure the safety of his passengers. And doctors who treat thousands of people and has many people’s lives under their hands, that is why they have to be careful not to mar. Both Hag Ali’s and Mayfield’s articles had personal stories that conveyed their belief but Mayfield’s article was more organized and more appealing, it had an outstanding personal story that really attracts readers to it and she even stated how she was impacted by her belief which was not available in Hag Ali’s article.
In the first article Jobs Taken for Granted which was written by Mohamed Hag Ali, He uses two personal stories to convey his belief. In the first story he explains how hard it is to find a job, and how people struggle to find it using his own personal experience and he then added “it’s not that easy to find a job and people should start appreciating their jobs and stop taking them for granted.” (Hag Ali, 2013, Para. 3). In his second story he explains how customers treat the staff members of small jobs showing their ill manners. Hag Ali stated that, “[Some cu...
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...ssional years.
To be brief, Hag Ali’s essay was decent with many persuasive strategies that supported his belief but the fact that he did not state how he got impacted by his belief or his personal experience lowered the strength of his essay. While in Mayfield’s essay she used outstanding persuasive strategies with vivid imagery and descriptive words which made it fascinating and aided in supporting her belief.
In conclusion, during the great recession a wave of great depression was caused and a huge factor of that depression is unemployment and job dissatisfaction, reading those two articles it helps in appreciating any job you get, showing that taking pride and working hard in a job will keep you satisfied. I never knew that people would get proud working in jobs like a maid and it is fascinating the level and extent of dedication they have toward their jobs.
During the great Depression, many people in the city were unemployed. A third of American farmers lost their land and had to move to city to search for jobs. Many African Americans were unemployed in the south, since white have priority over the job market than African Americans, it’s harder for them to get a job. African American started to move to North to search, but little difference did it make. Many took the position as janitors, street cleaners, and domestic servants. Mexican American and Chinese American were no better off, whites started to take over those jobs for Mexican and Chinese American. Women started to search for jobs as their family needed the money.
The Great Depression often seems very distant to people of the 21st century. This article is a good reminder of potential problems that may reoccur. The article showed in a very literal way the idea that a depression can bring a growing country to its knees. The overall ramifications of the event were never discussed in detail, but the historical significance is that people's lives were put on hold while they tried to struggle through an extremely difficult time.
Also, no one wants to live a life with a occupation they don't like. Everyone should live how they want to live, live their dreams. To do that, they have to be willing to go through the hardships of life, to fail before they can succeed. No one should have to conform and just settle with something that’s not in their full potential. If you want to do something, something that’s important to you, you have to work for it.
Throughout all of my research over the recession of July 1990-March 1991 I have concluded that it was not one of the largest recessions the United States has ever seen, but it was also not the smallest. This recession was only eight months long and did some damage, but not a lot. The Gulf War had the biggest impact on this recession along with the oil spill causing a rise of oil prices. The economy hit a low point and was not able to come out of it until the following year after the recession had already technically ended. Unemployment rates were at a low point towards the ending of the recession and because companies were hesitant about hiring new employees’ unemployment did not start getting better until the following year after the recession ended.
Annie Dillard, a Pulitzer Prize winner and writer, says, “If he noticed how he felt, he could not have done the work” (Dillard). She is referring to Dave Rahm, a stunt pilot who seemed to love his work. After Annie had took a flight with him, she had realized that he was not as passionate about being a stunt pilot as everyone thought. Many people can be fond of their type of work, but someday they will realize they are not happy with it. I know someone personally who had a great career, and decided they were not happy and quit. Also, many people would consider Dave Rahm to have a dream job, but it shows that someone can not be happy unless they are passionate about their work. Likewise, Thomas Carlyle believes that an individual’s passion will be calling. Carlyle says, “He has a work, a life-purpose; he has found it, and will follow it!” (Carlyle). This is a great representation of the point Annie Dillard is trying to get across. Thomas Carlyle is saying that through life a man has to find his life purpose and the reason he walks the Earth. This article is a perfect example of someone quits everything just to find their professional calling in life. Although he believes you should find your passion, Carlyle also says, “an endless significance lies in Work; a man perfects himself by working” (Carlyle). By saying this, Thomas means that a person has to find
over hope to attain jobs such as these in order to make money and provide for themselves
My portfolio absolutely reflects my understanding of persuasive writing. Persuasive writing focuses on the ability to formulate an essay that takes an argumentative stance, but takes the opposition into consideration as well. My portfolio also represents the goals and objectives of persuasive writing. The essays I have written for this course demonstrate that I have certainly developed my critical thinking skills, and developed, or better yet, mastered my communication and personal responsibility skills; but, because of my occasional lack of analysis and issues with word choice, my writing process is not perfected.
The Great Depression of the 1930’s set employment back for both men and women. Because of the Roaring Twenties, the nation’s total wealth doubled causing everyone to put money into the stock market. While most economical branches were soaring, the agriculture branch was struggling and the banks had to access immense loans which were not able to be liquidated. Nervous stock investors began to trade shares which resulted in 16 million shares which ruined thenect decade for most. A few lucky people were actually able to keep their jobs, however, many many people lost theirs. Since people were now without jobs, paying for food became a major difficulty. The credit eventually turned to debt which made foreclosures and repossessions increase. By
Every few years, countries experience an economic decline which is commonly referred to as a recession. In recent years the U.S. has been faced with overcoming the most devastating global economic hardships since the Great Depression. This period “a period of declining GDP, accompanied by lower real income and higher unemployment” has been referred to as the Great Recession (McConnell, 2012 p.G-30). This paper will cover the issues which led to the recession, discuss the strategies taken by the Government and Federal Reserve to alleviate the crisis, and look at the future outlook of the U.S. economy. By examining the nation’s economic struggles during this time period (2007-2009), it will conclude that the current macroeconomic situation deals with unemployment, which is a direct result of the recession.
As we worked our way through the semester we moved from the Change Project to the Public Argument. I was able to look back at how one essay was developed into multiple essays. The type of paper I was writing determined how I was able to persuade my audience. The audience of the papers changed throughout the semester making the way I developed my paper also changed. In one essay I used the sources to persuade the readers towards agreeing with me. In the other essay I used my own words and thoughts to grab the reader’s attention and have them agree with my point of view on the issue. While one essay was a more formal audience and another was more informal the both required persuasion and attention grabbers. One audience was grasped by the use of facts while the other was grasped by talking about experiences and explaining how the topic related to the audience. While the paper was different each paper required some type of persuasion.
The main thrust of this article is that underlying causes of the Great Recession, were not solved. The corruption that led to the excesses still remain, the Republican congress has stifled the recovery process with horrible austerity measures that hurt economic growth. Unemployment has dropped to normal levels, but it took the full eight years of the Obama administration to do so and worse, yet the halfhearted reform measures mean that companies are still engaging in the same practices
A persuasive essay takes a position on a topic and attempts to prove that position.
People need money to purchase all kinds of goods and services they needed every day and sometimes, for goods or services they desire to own. To fulfill that, they have the essential need to earn money. In order to earn money, they must work in either in fields related to their interests or to their qualifications. However, people will meet different challenges during their jobs-hunting sessions, such as many candidates competing for a job vacancy; salaries offered are lower than expected salaries and economic crisis or down which causes unemployment. Unemployment is what we will be looking into in this report. Dwidedi (2010) stated that unemployment is defined as not much job vacancies are available to fulfill the amount of people who want to work and can work according to the current pay they can get for a job they chose to work as. There are four major types of unemployment: frictional, structural, cyclical and seasonal unemployment.
In Oklahoma City, Forbes regarded them as the most “recession proof city in America” last 2008. The magazine reported that the city had falling unemployment and is one of the strongest housing markets in the country with a solid growth in energy, agriculture and manufacturing. But whether it has been regarded as such, recession basically still has after effects. It is still making things tough for job seekers to marke...
As mentioned earlier, layoffs were starting to increase. Some businesses did not do as well as they thought that they would do. Parents were frustrated and confused as why the job market had falle...