Extraordinary cooking in Chemistry A Summary of the novel: “What’s cooking in Chemistry?”

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In the book, “What’s cooking in Chemistry,” the author states with a powerful standpoint that many ways of chemistry is involved in the kitchen to help chefs and other people succeed in whatever they feel best to require on their path of success. After all everything in this entire world is made of atoms. This includes everything including food, humans, plants, the atmosphere and the ultraviolet rays that constantly attempt to penetrate the protection of the clouds in the air. Published in 2009, the authors; Hubertus P. Bell, Tim Feuerstein, Carlos E. Guntner, Soren Holsken, and J. Klaas Lohmann manage to organize the book in a format where they insert the person who described the explanation of the use of chemistry and listed the recipe for people to use in order to build a strong mental fortitude of an explanatory of an image that helps one unlock potential in science and technology throughout chemistry. In life and society as most of you know, chemistry is involved in everything in this entire world including; animals, plants, and even food! Although most people don’t like chemistry due to all the equations and “Stoichiometry”, it plays a significant role in everyday life. Thanks to many scientists in the past, we can now use the knowledge of their theories and postulates to find new technology and other scientific advancements to help the evolvement of many organisms in this world. This is started with a cycle of a student sitting through chemistry class similar to what we are doing and learn the fundamentals of the science, which is later enhanced when a student wants to major in something that requires chemistry such as; a doctor, medical researcher, or chemical engineer. Although there are many more optio... ... middle of paper ... ... are many forms of teaching children to learn of the chemistry they would despise so much if they learned it in school instead of at home, because there are an abundant amount of creative experiments you can do by cooking and baking things like cookies. Another important tool in the kitchen is the use of salt or NaCl. In chemistry terms, sodium chloride. This is essential because it teaches many professionals in the kitchen to adjust the taste and balance the chemistry part of the cooking because without salt, not only do things have no flavor, but require a higher temperature for the food to actually cook decently. An example of not using salt is when one uses a stove to grill steak. First, your steak would taste bland and dry for there would be no source of seasoning and the temperature would probably be set to high in order to grill the steak until it was cooked

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