Exploring Fantasy Films

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Exploring Fantasy Films ‘One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring

them all and in the darkness bind them’. This line sounds

stereotypically from a fantasy film, and it would perhaps not fit in

to other genres such as comedy or romance. Fantasy films often take us

in to a different world and away from the imperfections of our normal

life, they are a great contrast to our lives, in fantasy films things

are always extremes, either great things are happening, or extremely

bad things are occurring; whereas for the everyday person, such things

rarely happen and life is just monotonous. To be taken in to a life of

someone else’s with unbelievable things happening to them is an

excitement and people enjoy being taken from their world and being

placed in a dream place, where everything is perfect.

Films of the fantasy genre are mainly based on popular myths and

legends, characters are things like dragons, wizards, elves, dwarves –

all things we have heard stories about. Films stretch these myths and

bring them to life; they often bring back elements of our childhood

and will therefore entertain us even more. Settings, characters,

events, music, endings and dialogue all contribute to us experiencing

these things. Also, these certain things in a film will be very

typical of the particular genre, some styles of music and characters

will only fit in one genre, and some genres will only have certain

music and characters.


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...always some films in the genre that don’t follow them quite so well;

they will always have various aspects of it, but wont be as


Films use many techniques to get the audience engaged in the film and

feeling catharsis. The Settings, characters, events, music, ending and

dialogue all contribute towards the emotions we feel when watching a

film. If the events are sad, we feel sad. Most of these things in a

film are unbelievable and incredible, this takes the audience more in

to the world of the film, as it isn’t something anyone would see in

reality, it also entertains and takes someone out of their every day

life. The settings, characters, events etc. all reflect each other and

work together to make us feel the emotions that the director of the

film wants us to feel at the particular moment in the movie.

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