Explain Why The Government Should Not Be In Charge Of Internet

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"The government should not be in charge of the internet. The reason why that the government should not be in charge of our network is because, if the government would be in charge of our network it would not be fair for some people because the government would say everybody has to pay more money and would have to pay more in taxes. Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites. Instead of trying to regulate the Internet, these rules should be repealed in order to promote competition and innovation in the broadband market, which will result in more choices and better products for Americans at lower prices. Example when there is a big family and they use netflix, youtube, and hulu a lot and then there is one person that lives by him/her selves lives and don’t use those websites that much the government would make the one person pay as much as the big family would. Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites. Net neutrality has been a problem to people who used net neutrality since 1990. Between 2005 to 2012 …show more content…

You are paying for your internet for a fairly amount of money when the government is in charge, the cost will increase by a lot. It will not be fair for some people because some people use their network a lot they are the ones who should pay more not the people how barly use their network. The government would increase the taxes if they were in charge of the network. Everyone would have to pay the same amount of money which would not be fair for small families who don’t use their network as much as the bigger

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