Explain Why Kids Under 13 Should Be Aloud On Social Media Essay

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Cole Roberts Period 4 2024, Argument easy. Should kids under 13 be aloud on social media? If you ever get bored you can watch social media and kids will like it too so that's why kids under 13 should be allowed too. For example, you were having a really bad day and were bored doing nothing all day. Social media is an interesting technology where you can go on and find anything from entertainment to daily problems solutions. Everybody has been bored once and social media if you like certain things it will give you recommendations based on what you have liked. Although they might encounter some bad stuff, overall it's a good thing to do when you're bored. Yes, kids should be allowed on social media. It's good entertainment and kids under 13 will enjoy it. Kids can be bored and social media has entertainment. If …show more content…

If you go on any social media they usually have a search bar where you can put things you want to see or you can keep up with your friends on it. If your kid says they are bored then you can give them your phone with stuff they like on social media and they will be interested and scroll through it and they won't be bored anymore. The highest use of social media is boredom. Social media shows things you like.If you liked a certain subject and scrolled through a lot of posts and liked them on your main page it would show a bunch of different posts on the same subject you liked.If you like a bunch of different people and want to see their post. You can follow them and their newest post will pop up, you can also like posts about them. It shows on google that if you follow someone it shows their regular posts and stuff about their profile. Social media is not healthy and a bad form of entertainment. Social media can affect

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