Explain Why Kids Should Have To Work For Children To Get An Allowance

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Today I am going to be telling you why kids should have to work to get an allowance. I can see why some people might have different thoughts about this topic. But I will be telling you why my choice has the best benefits.

My first reason why kids should have to work to get an allowance is, it will make them feel proud about their work. It will motivate that child to do it’s best. They will feel that way because the child will be rewarded for their hard work. With that being said it could also help the child in later life situations. One of the ways it can help them in later life is, a lot of jobs in the world involve a lot of effort. So if you child doesn’t have that motivation it could make your child want to give up. That is one of the reasons why kids should have to work to get an allowance. …show more content…

It will teach your child to take full responsibility for his/her actions. So say if the child breaks something while cleaning the child will learn to take full responsibility for the broken item. So if the child doesn’t take responsibility the child will not be rewarded his or hers allowance. So once the child learns to take responsibility for his or her actions actions then it could help them in later life. One of the ways it can help them in later life is, if the the child gets a job and breaks something and they don’t take responsibility they could get fired. If they do take responsibility then they could save their job. That is another reason why kids should have to work to get an

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