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Yatzixi Ramirez Cisneros
30 November2015
Why College is Worth Time and Money
If you're in high school the most common question you ask yourself is “will i go to college? and is it really worth it ?” My answer is yes, this is why,college usually pays of in the long run, What I mean is that in average a person that goes to college gets a better pay. If you are planning on graduating with a degree that involves STEM ( science technology engineering and mathematics) there will be 4 jobs available for those graduates while on the other hand a high school graduate will have 4 persons competing for the same job including themselves. In most cases people who do/did go to college also are healthier and have a greater self
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esteem. Lastly going to college pays off by offering a stable life and allowing future generations to have a greater education For all high school students that are planning on graduating with a degree that involves STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) there will be many open doors for you in a large variety of jobs. These jobs include software developer, computer system analyst, information security analyst, accountant, school psychologist, etc. The need for people to work under these categories is increasing by incredible amounts with a range of 14% - 62% increase. This states that there will be many job opportunities for STEM graduates. In average a college graduate makes a total of $53,800 average income compared to a high school grad that makes a total of $28,700 average income. In lifetime earnings a college graduate makes $1,800,000 while a high school $940,000. This allows a college graduate to have a stable living with a better credit and less debts. This type of pay may vary as well according to raise in pay and ranking higher in upcoming years. Though this may vary according to investments and management of accounts. Most college graduates have a healthier lifestyle and greater self esteem meaning that they have a better quality of daily life they eat healthier have more free time unlike most high school grads that usually have to work double shifts and have to rush their food which usually causes them to have an unhealthy lifestyle like eating a bag of chips or a drive through meal because they are in a tight schedule. College graduates have a steady job and a well planned schedule. College graduates may be able to have healthy food and well planned meals since they they have more time and money to do so. people may have a better self esteem since they feel like they have accomplished something in life. The way that going to college affects future generations is by expanding horizons and allowing them to have a further education.
What this means is that if someone as a parent has gone to college they are more probable to be involved in with the education and effort that their children have. For example a college graduate parent is more probable to read to their chi9ld than a parent that only graduated from college. The impact that this has a children is that it helps them have a better understanding than other children.
Though i must a agree that there are some exceptions as for to going to college for certain careers like in dance or drama. These persons could go into visual arts taking in mind that this is a debt that they are taking a chance with because not everyone becomes famous out of nowhere and most of these persons would have a very hard time paying back the debt and this would ruin their credit.
In conclusion going to college is the right choice since they will have a better life. People will have a better pay. They will have a better organization. They will have a better self esteem and a healthier lifestyle. College graduates in the future will a have a better life and better income. Going to college is going to allow people to have a healthy life and self
In recent discussions of education, a controversial issue has been whether or not to go to college after high school. On the one hand, some argue that starting your career after high school is the smart thing to do. On the other hand, however, others argue that the smarter decision would be to continue your schooling by going to college to get a degree. In sum, then, the issue is whether or not college is the right decision for you. My own view is that you should go to college because it helps you build character, start a tradition, and gives you experience.
Is college worth it? Is college worth the time and energy you invest? This is a question that many students ask themselves as the cost of college rises and jobs are harder to find. As a 27 year, old college student myself I really thought about this question. I had to think back when I first started college at the age of 18 and how I was excited about starting college. I easily got tired of all the work that it took to get the degree so I dropped out. After having my first child and trying to work and take of her and myself with only making minimal wages, barely get by that when I knew college is worth it. A college education is one of the most reliable paths to financial success for students and gives the opportunity
If you enter the field that you like and go to the right college at the right place and after college you try your best to find the dream job that you have been thinking about in your entire life and really work to achieve your dream, nothing can stop you. Deciding to go to college was not a hard decision to make. And I’m planning on just doing the bachelor degree and then finding a job after that. I will not have to pay back a lot of debt because I am not going to take any loans in my 4 years in college.
Some students would argue that a college education is not a vital aspect of the future of children because it is too much schooling, costs too much, and it is not needed for their future. First of all, these students have struggled through 13 years of school whether elementary, middle, or high school. They have endured many long days and late nights to pass their classes. Although it is true that 4+ more years of school will be mentally tough and hard to endure, these important years will help shape
Honestly college at this certain point in time does not seem worth it. Everywhere else in the world college is free but the United States. People would feel more motivated to go to college if it was free. College is the main reason Americans are having to live such a hard lifestyle. My father did not go to college and makes eighteen dollars an hour. On the other hand my aunt did go to college and make twenty-four dollars an hour but is still paying back student loans so after paying all of her stuff back she only makes around fifteen dollars an hour that she gets to bring back and that doesn’t include taxes. That’s the reason college doesn’t seem like a good choice to make in life.
College is said to be the gateway to a successful career, and I think no different. One of the main reasons I want a college education is so when I approach an employer they see me and think success. Studies have shown that when you have a college degree you are more likely to make an average 20 thousand more a year. If I was awarded this scholarship money it would completely change things for me; I say this because my family has struggled financially and with this I would be saved from crippling debt in years to come. Another reason a college degree is important to me is because I am striving for financial success so that I do not have to struggle like my parents have. In life money is what makes the world go round, and with a college degree I would be placed in a position where I would be able to achieve a level of financial security that would support myself, and hopefully a
College helps you find your strong points that will help you find your interests in life. There are plenty of job opportunities these days. By choosing a career you’re interested in will help you extremely. Even if people are worried college will be difficult, it isn’t that harmful at first. There are plenty of jobs without college as well. An example on some jobs are a plumber and private detectives. By going to college though you have less a chance of losing your future job. There are plenty of jobs that you can get to the college experience as well. Some examples from 100 best jobs would be a Dentist and Physician assistant. Furthermore, people start to enjoy college once they realize that they need more in life than a boring job that they hate. By going at least you 're trying to get something better than what you have now. For me by going to college I am going to get experience and find all the things I am talented in or interested
In both “Stop Scaring students”, by Devorah Lieberman and “College is a Waste of Time and Money”, by Caroline Bird, the authors consider the value of college education. Due to the long-term investment in higher education, college students should be informed about certain aspects of college, concerning whether college is beneficial or non-beneficial. Both oppositions present themselves with a strong argument, but only by looking at their similarities and differences one can uncover which is the best path for college students.
There are those students that don’t want to study or do the work and they are just in college for the parties and to have fun and college is not for them. But for the mast majority that are actually contemplating furthering their education I say go for it and that you won 't regret it. I know many students look at the debt that they will incur while they are in school, but when you look at the rewards that come from receiving a college education they outweigh the risk. You will more than likely make a lot more money with an education than if you just have a high school diploma, as long as you do your research and find a career that you are likely to obtain a career, once your degree is completed. The unemployment rate is much lower for those that have a degree of some
How important is a college education? High school seniors should consider going to college because students who gain a college education often have higher lifetime earnings and a great quantity of other benefits. There are more employers who choose to hire applicants with college degrees. People who lack college degrees are more likely to be limited to basic jobs. Those with a high school education may obtain jobs with good benefits, but college graduates often earn better. Although going to college costs a lot, it is actually true that high school seniors should go to college because they’ll learn more skills that can be applied to their jobs and they’ll have much more benefits while having a career.
The American Dream. The ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. This ideology that anybody, regardless of race, gender, or social status, is able to work up the ladder and achieve success. However, the process to receive and live in this prosperity in today’s world has been greatly flawed. A key element to having a true chance of the American Dream is getting an education that goes beyond a high school degree. Yet, even this seemingly simple step in the process is difficult to achieve for many for countless reasons, however, college tuition is the prime cause for this setback. Even though there are people who believe that a college admission is fair to all, I firmly disagree, as countless people cannot pay for higher education, and, therefore, are not given an equal chance to live a moment of the American Dream.
For the past few months I have been attending college as a first year, but recently I have started to ask myself is college really worth it? Or is there a better alternative other than going on the traditional path to college? Furthermore if there are alternative path instead of attending college, why aren’t we taking them? In many situations we do have the option of acquiring special licenses and certifications that can get us the careers we desire, but without the need to attend college, but if we can do things like getting licenses and certificates then why do most of us choose to go to college knowing that there is a better option? Even more, a better option that will probably not cost you as much in the long run. Yet millions upon millions of students make the choice of going to college every year, for this I ask why?
Having a college degree in today’s world is very important because more companies and businesses are requiring that anyone they hire has at least a two-year college degree, which is also known as an Associate 's degree. High school graduates and other people who have had thoughts about going to college should do so because it is getting harder for just a high school graduate to get a job, this is a result of hiring companies and businesses don’t want anyone without a college degree. Having a college degree will open more opportunities for the future. By doing so they further their lives and create a future that they want.
In “Should Everyone Go to College?” Isabel Sawhill and Stephanie Owen make a strong valid point on whether or not college is for everyone. For many students ready to leave high school, wondering whether they should attend college is an issue that may lay heavy on one teenagers mind. There are a few factors that could be a difficult decision depending on a person’s goal they are working towards. Some students jump right into the workforce after high school. Others may sign up for the military after graduation. While these are different options, research says higher education is very important. Higher education provides opportunity for students that attend college are giving a good shot of a better career later in life. Approaching graduation, a student might find themselves asking, “Why is it important to go to college?” The answer is that education is the most important growing factor in the growth of our country. Obtaining a college degree is a
College is a very important thing. If you go to college you will most likely get better pay in your career. Also, with a college degree, you have more opportunities. I believe that everyone should go to college. If you don’t go to college and just go into some job and that fails then you have no backup plan. A college graduate is more likely to be offered employment than another who didn’t attend college, if you have a college degree you will make more money in your lifetime than someone who doesn’t have a degree, if you are considering having children having a college degree is very beneficial to them, you have a higher chance of having better health yourself, college is very beneficial, and if you go to college you will have a better social