Explain Why College Is Worth Time And Money Essay

687 Words2 Pages

Yatzixi Ramirez Cisneros



30 November2015

Why College is Worth Time and Money

If you're in high school the most common question you ask yourself is “will i go to college? and is it really worth it ?” My answer is yes, this is why,college usually pays of in the long run, What I mean is that in average a person that goes to college gets a better pay. If you are planning on graduating with a degree that involves STEM ( science technology engineering and mathematics) there will be 4 jobs available for those graduates while on the other hand a high school graduate will have 4 persons competing for the same job including themselves. In most cases people who do/did go to college also are healthier and have a greater self …show more content…

What this means is that if someone as a parent has gone to college they are more probable to be involved in with the education and effort that their children have. For example a college graduate parent is more probable to read to their chi9ld than a parent that only graduated from college. The impact that this has a children is that it helps them have a better understanding than other children.

Though i must a agree that there are some exceptions as for to going to college for certain careers like in dance or drama. These persons could go into visual arts taking in mind that this is a debt that they are taking a chance with because not everyone becomes famous out of nowhere and most of these persons would have a very hard time paying back the debt and this would ruin their credit.

In conclusion going to college is the right choice since they will have a better life. People will have a better pay. They will have a better organization. They will have a better self esteem and a healthier lifestyle. College graduates in the future will a have a better life and better income. Going to college is going to allow people to have a healthy life and self

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