Explain Why Children Should Not Be Allowed In Sports

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Imagine it’s the end of the basketball season. There’s an award banquet and every kid got a trophy for participation. The children who worked the hardest still got the same trophy as everyone else. That would be very unfair in my opinion. Children should not be rewarded with participation trophies at the end of sports seasons. They should only receive trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. One time when I was little I played basketball for a church league and I got a participation trophy and I thought it was dumb to get that just for playing. First of all, children need to learn that life isn't fair and that's ok. If bill gates makes 1 billion dollars for making a new product that doesn't mean that you will get 1 billion dollars for doing the same thing. Also if your friend gets new shoes that doesn't mean you will get new shoes.My point is that kids need to know that life is not fair. Then if kids got trophies for losing and participating they would not know that life is not fair. …show more content…

Imagine getting a trophy every time you played a sport. You would not know the value of winning and losing, right? If you had the worst basketball team in the league and your record was 0-20 and the top 3 teams were 20-0,18-2 and 16-4 and you still got the same trophy as the top 3 teams, you wouldn't think it was important if you won or lost. This does not connect to the real world. If you don't succeed in your business you won't get as good money than if you succeed. That's why children should learn the importance of winning and

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