Explain What Emphasis Do Work Study And Family Life Have In Your Country

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What emphasis do work, study and family life have in your country or in your culture? Which of the 3 is most important in your country or in your culture? I think most Australians would agree that there needs to be a fine balance struck between work, study and family life. Furthermore I believe most would agree that family life is the most important part in the mix. Many work places are moving towards a greater understanding and are attempting to accommodate this through various means like offering more flexible work hours, carers leave, unpaid leave, shorter working hours, part time work, job sharing and other more informal arrangements. However, in Australia the emphasis or priority is ultimately up to the individual with few real social pressures to obligate someone to put their family first. Factors that may change the emphasis can depend on their age and what stage of life they happen to be at. For example someone younger still living at home might have their family at the top, followed by study with work as a third priority, especially if their parents are supporting them while studying as many do here. An alternative example would be someone older with a family of their own and an established career who has gone back to study. This person may put their work first and their family second with study a distant third, …show more content…

Is your personal emphasis the same? Like most Australians I try to keep a reasonable balance between work, study and family life. However, family comes first and is without question the most important of the three because without their support and encouragement work and study would be pointless as they are the reason I do both. Work comes second in the mix as it provides the funds to study and help provide for my family. Finally, study comes last, not because it is not important but because the others are just more so. 3. As a new student, what support and understanding have you received from your family, friends, work place and

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