Explain The Five Main Areas Of Child Development

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Human development is very important as it is the building blocks for a child. The first three years is critical as this is when the development happens most but it's also continues throughout life. There are many things that affect a child's development such as family support, nutrition, and physical health. The five main areas of development are Physical, Social, Emotional, Moral, and Intellectual/Cognitive.

The first area of development that I will be talking about is my physical development. Physical. Physical development is the growth and development of gross and fine motor skills. A child’s eating habits, and healthy living affects their physical development so they are key. An example of when I had a physical development was when I took my first steps and then started walking after. Another example would be when I rood my bike by pedaling and steering my tricycle. Physical development is good because it is important to a child's life. All children have to grow properly or else it will affect their life in a negative way. without physical development a child can't do many simple things in life like walk, talk and see.

The second area of development that I will be talking about is my social development. Social development is the ability to …show more content…

Intellectual/cognitive development is the ability to think about and understand things happening. An example of this is when I was learning my ABCs. Another example of this is when I started to read books. Intellectual/cognitive development can be different for each kid for example someone can be able to read small words when they are in kindergarten but another person is just learning their ABCs. For this development having family and friends and teachers supporting you is important. It can't be done without them. Intellectual/cognitive development is good because it helps kids understand, learn, and absorb new

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