Existentialism In Albert Camus's The Stranger

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Existentialism is a form of living a certain way but not living at all. Beliefs of existentialism are, Man cannot better himself meaning, living life without trying and just doing. Existence is chaotic and meaningless. A lot of existentialism beliefs, are concepts of there’s no point in life and people are just there because they have to and there’s no point in trying to be better. People who believe in existentialism tend to have no emotion because life is suffering so there’s no point in feeling. These ideas are expressed in The Stranger through a character named Meursault whom is a prime example of existentialism. His personality fits a lot of the beliefs in existentialism which makes him an odd character and stand out more than the rest. Through Albert Camus novel, The Stranger, Camus states that life is absurd and existence is chaotic and meaningless and an individual creates their own values and determines a meaning to their life.

Existentialism is a form of living a certain way but not living at all. The website Novels for students states that Meursault recognizes the “truth” that life is meaningless. “That means life is just what one makes of it…” This is a belief for existentialism and those who follow it believe that life is pointless. This is also shows little interest on how important life can be and what good it can bring. In Novels for students Camus express his thoughts on humanistic logic that neither theology nor fate can offer men of intelligence. This is a belief Camus had, which also followed with the beliefs of existentialism and expressed the saying of man cannot better himself. This is also part of the belief that a man is who he is and cannot try to be better or more than what he is. One of existentiali...

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... defined as a philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's acts. It also emphasis upon man’s creating his own nature as well as the importance of personal freedom, decision, and commitment. This whole theory is displayed in The Stranger through a character named Meursault whom continues living life through the choices he has made and as Camus states life is absurd and Meursault agrees because he see’s life as an unexplainable place and he seems to stand out from the rest of the crowd because he views things differently and thinks unusually than others. He beats to his own rhythm and agrees that life is what one makes out of it. Existentialism is creating your own life.

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