Exercise Training Advantages And Disadvantages

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The DISADVANTAGE with constant resistant devices is the inconsistent matching of resistive forces and muscular forces that occur during an exercise movement. You don ' 't have to work just as hard during every phase of the movement (for example the top position in the squats or biceps bar curl). There ' 's an "easy" phase in the movement which makes the exercise a little less effective than it could have been (using free weights instead).

Also, resistance training with FREE WEIGHTS is more difficult and not without risk for beginners, older people or people with injuries. They might not have the stabilizer strenght in their core muscles to do all the exercises safely. In this case, EXERCISE MACHINES are easier and more safe to use - at least in the beginning ot a training regimen.

For athletes in sport …show more content…

This will in turn stress the muscle fibrers to the maximum. Also, the speed is controlled by the exercise machine through the whole range of the movement and that is an advantage for the general population because it takes away the ballistic movement of the exercise and therefore eliminates the danger of overextended joints or risks of pulled muscles.

The DISADVANTAGE is the same as for all other machines: it does not have the natural feel as using free weghts. Also, the controlled speed add to the innatural feeling. For athletes in sports training (who ' 's sports movements are usually ballistic) this technology may have a limited usefulness. For bodybuilding, the technology can be useful for changing things up once in awhile and to chock the muscles through a plateu by overloading the muscles (since the devices puts such a high level of stress to the muscles).


This is a type of training where you contract the muscles but no movement

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