Exercise Plan Exercise

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After feasting on the December holiday goodies, many people vow to start exercising in the new year. Exercise can reduce your risk of health conditions, helps control your weight, boost your energy level, and improves your mood. (See References 1) Instead of impulsively jumping into a workout routine, arm yourself with a feasible, enjoyable, proven and accessible exercise plan, which according to the American College of Sports Medicine, is most likely to trigger long-term adherence. (See References 2)
Include Cardio in Your Plan

Physical activities that keeps your heart rate elevated for a consecutive period of time is known as cardiovascular exercise. This type of exercise promotes heart, lung, and vascular health, and also burns calories, which is essential if you desire to lose those extra pounds you've gained over the holidays. (See References 3) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests doing moderately-intense cardio, at least 150 minutes a week. (See References 4) Rather than doing cardio that you dislike, build your workout around exercises that you enjoy. Da...

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