Excessie Use of Antibiotics

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Excessive use of Antibiotics
Over the years humans have tried every possibility to overcome the health problems, spread of epidemics and infections, disease control and have worked towards a healthy society free of disease and health problems. They have succeeded to a great extent. The book “Good germs, bad germs” describes that though the life expectancy is now far more as it was in previous eras. Epidemic problems and infectious diseases are now getting lesser and lesser and humans are being treated successfully. The hygienic conditions have also been improved so as to ensure least growth of microbes, germs, parasites and bacteria. Antibiotics have been invented to address diseases and infections caused by bacteria and viruses. With all these substantial efforts the biologists, physicians and scientists have triggered another epidemic which is even more severe. They have killed those microbes and bacterial species which were human friendly and as a result of either their disruption or mutation, pathogenic bacteria have even become more active and resistant to treatments. This has led to increased ineffectiveness of antibiotic drugs, low immunity and various infections and inflammatory diseases. The chlorinated water for drinking and food processing along with excessive hygienic conditions indicates our fight against these bacteria and germs. Further, these antibiotics are even given to the livestock which becomes our food and as result many of their resistant germs end up in our digestive tract and other organs. Thus, the war against microbes through excessive cleanliness and use of antibiotics has resulted in antibiotic resistance among humans, which has become one of the prominent problems of medical science
The human body has...

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...standing the nature of relationship between the residing microbes inside human cells and about their function is very important to put an end to this war and to live in peace with the natural organisms that are benefitting human body and their survival has become our primary importance.
Aminov,R.I.(2010).A brief history of the antibiotic era: lessons learned and challenges for the future. Frontiers in microbiology,1,1-7. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2010.00134
Blaser,M.J.(2014). Missing microbes: How the overuse of antibiotics is fueling our modern plagues.New York,NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC
Drlica,K.S.,& Perlin,D.S. (2011).Antibiotic resistance: Understanding and responding to an emerging crisis. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc
Sachs,J.S.(2007).Good germs and bad germs: Health and survival in a bacterial world. New York,NY: Hill and Wang

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