Examples Of Tyranny In Fahrenheit 451

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The Tyranny Of The Majority As Seen In the Novel Fahrenheit 451

“Majority rule only works if you’re also considering individual rights. Because you can't have five wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for supper.” Larry Flynt. Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451 takes place in a dystopian future, in which to maintain “happiness” individuality has been removed. Books are burned, schools remove thought and create button-pushers. The citizens remain oblivious to the outside world’s suffering even as enemy bombs descend upon them. Fahrenheit 451 foretells a possible future in which the majority, like wolves, have consumed the intellectual and independent thought.

The rapid descent towards this future followed patterns not unlike occurring in the world today. In the book the world was roomy, but as populations grew and technology advanced the world became filled with eyes, elbows and mouths. (pg 51) …show more content…

The goal became to keep everyone happy and complacent. Thus politics, television, the news, everything just boiled down to the gag and the snap ending, lacking substance.( pg 52) New and old sharp thoughts had to be dulled and eventually thrown out completely. Momentary pleasure becomes man's only concern so life becomes one big pratfall, everything bang, boff, and wow!-- meaninglessness.( pg 53). The cost of this universal pleasure, however was it’s own quality, becoming nothing more than plotless cartoons and sleeping

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