Examples Of Theoretical Framework On Social Media Advertising

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Theoretical Framework

Figure 2.1 - Theoretical Framework showing relations between Social Media Advertising which is on Facebook, Brand Image, Brand Equity and Student’s Decision to visit cafe

Bearing on the literature review written previously, the Theoretical Framework Model above was proposed with the following hypothesis:

Hypothesis 1: Consumers opinion on Social media Facebook advertising will positively affect a cafe’s brand image.

In accordance to Ho and Dempsey (2010), the application of marketers created advertising such as viral marketing combined with consumer or user generated contents which is also known as word of mouth leads to spontaneous forwarding and recommendation by other users who find the brand worthy of considerations …show more content…

This in turn helps them in building up emotions and attitudes, which is the brand image that will increase the consumer’s perceived value of the brand which positively affects the brand equity. Therefore it was hypothesized that the the cafe’s brand awareness from social media advertising will influence the users who forwarded messaged with their own opinion that is promoted through social media which subsequently as stated by Faircloth et al. (2001) will therefore positively affects the level of the cafe’s brand …show more content…

Solid and distinguished brand images are a positive edge to consumers’ perception of value in relation to the brand. For example, consumers may shows a willingness to go and visit a particular brand of cafe even at a more premium price when there exists a stronger impressions of brand images regarding the cafe’s brand irregardless of the price, which subsequently may show the presence of a strong purchase intention to visit the cafe due to a strong brand images associated with the cafe’s brand. A strong brand image therefore are reported to be able to apply a positive force to the customers’ willingness to go for more expensive products with more brand equity (Faircloth, Capella, & Alford, 2001; Lassar, Mittal, & Sharma, 1995). As a result of high brand awareness created through the social media for the cafe’s, a cafe’s brand image therefore are hypothesized to positively affects the consumer's purchase decision to visit the

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