Examples Of Romeo And Juliet Teenage Rebellion Essay

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Have you ever been in a stage of life where you find yourself the boldest person in the world and that you are untouchable? The tragic outcome of a love story of two young people,told by William Shakespeare in ‘The Tragedy Romeo and Juliet”, is a story about the fatal influence of people’s social stereotypes on their fates. Teenage Rebellion was very common in the 16th century and is even more common in the 21st century. The paralogy suggests the “Star-crossed lovers”will meet a tragic end and in the first scene there even is a royal battle between both the bloods ;Capulets and Montagues (Ross). The following essay is examples of many different ways Millennial Rebellion is influenced in movies,and songs(Doe).
In today's society, people have become materialistic in the obsession of having women, money,and fame that they forget …show more content…

The hit series “The Hunger Games” is a world shaking movies and have wonderful examples of teenage rebellion. The movie starts off with Katniss Everdeen who is seen with her sister and several others in a process called, The Reaping. All names are put into a glass ball and if pulled are put into a game to fight for their life. Katniss's sister got picked and Katniss took her place.Although it isn’t against the rules it is very looked down on by the capitol. At the end of the game there is only supposed to be one winner, however Katniss managed to save the other person chosen by her district(Doe). That was Katniss’ first rebellion. She continued through the series to try to stop the games. She did many things as wearing a golden mockingjay pin, shooting a bow and arrow at the gamemakers while they weren’t paying attention to her,and while she also made a whistle and a song that made the capital furious. The whistle was also used in “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet” (Ross). The whistle was used was a major problem in the capital and is seen whistling were

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