as it is today. Racial discrimination has been a heated issue for centuries and now due to the media this issue has been brought to light.
What media mostly highlights in hip hop today is the drugs,sex, and the "thug" appearance, usually that 's most music but hip hop is more blunt about it and is on the radio for people to hear. Others who don 't like hip hop have heard this type of music and found it disgusting so they go ahead and judge the artist which most artists are "black" so they just group it all together. Media is the blame for this because you only see the black males nowadays as "entertainers" like the sports players, the hip hop artist or actors.Most of these people are not near as role models as they should be but as you
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A mixture of stereotypes, the lifestyles that come along with growing up in poor and dangerous surroundings, and other factors play a big part in why many fear black people as a race. A black male is walking near a women and crosses the street in order not to cross paths, as she spots him she sets her face on neutral, with her purse straps strung across her chest (521),gets in her car reaches over and locks her door.. You see these kind of things everyday, either on television or in real life. Mark Cuban, the owner of the nba franchise Dallas Mavericks had this to say on the subject in light of the Trayvon Martin case, "I mean, we 're all prejudiced in one way or another. If I see a black kid in a hoodie and it 's late at night, I 'm walking to the other side of the street.. And the list goes on of stereotypes that we all live up to and are fearful of." Another example of this fear can be seen in the case of the black 22 year old John Crawford. While playing around with a toy gun in Walmart, a police officer gunned him down, claiming he believed it was a real gun. Would this have happened if the young man had been white, or if he had been wealthy? In the early 1900s drastic measures used to be taken because many feared that blacks would become too wealthy or accomplished. Even black people today Hangings, lynchings, kkk violence, and other violent acts would take place to stop this from happening. Some believe this still may be the root cause of today 's oppression of black people in this society. Conspiracy theorists even say the murder of Tupac Shakur, world famous rapper and black activist, was even a calculated step in order to stop black people from becoming too powerful. The same is thought of the deaths of Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X. While it cannot be proven, there are no facts to disprove these
When I am walking down the street and I see a man that I think looks threatening, I typically get my keys ready so in the case that he tries to attack me, I can protect myself. I feel so bad for this man because he has no intention of causing any harm, he is “scarcely able to take a knife to a raw chicken- let alone another person's throat”. This man has to watch everything that he says or does in order to protect himself from other people's judgement. I’m sure it is an awful feeling to have someone be fearful of you without ever even doing anything to them. It’s not fair that he had to be stereotyped like that, but it is human nature to protect yourself from situations that you deem dangerous. I feel that these people that find him threatening aren't necessarily judging him because he is black, but mainly because he seems powerful and threatening. When I am in situations like these, I pay no regard to the color of the person's skin, but more attention to the way they are acting and the way they
Hip hop is a form of art that African Americans have been using to get away from oppressions in their lives and allowed their voices to be heard in some type of way. As soon as big corporations seen the attention hip hop brought to the scene, they wanted to capitalize on it. These corporations picked specific types of attributes that some hip hop artists had and allowed it to flourish. The attributes that these artists carried were hypermasculinity, homophobia, violence and sexism. In the book, Hip Hop Wars by Tricia Rose discusses some of these specific attributes. One of the most damaging attribute is when hip hop is used to sexualize and demean everything about being a woman. Tricia Rose writes about this issue in chapter 5 of her book
“The widespread perception of Black women is based on mainstream misogyny” and because it is main, a social norm, and a way for young Black people to be unified “[Black females] accept stereotypical views and unconscious behaviors that devalue women and esteem men”(Henry, West, & Jackson 245). As long as hip hop continues to thrive on misogyny and people continue to ignore that it is an issue Black females will continue to reap the internal and sometimes physical
Hip-Hop became characterized by an aggressive tone marked by graphic descriptions of the harshness and diversity of inner-city life. Primarily a medium of popular entertainment, hip-hop also conveys the more serious voices of youth in the black community. Though the approaches of rappers became more varied in the latter half of the 1980s, message hip-hop remained a viable form for addressing the problems faced by the black community and means to solve those problems. The voices of "message" hip...
Human beings have always feared what they don’t understand and, in this case, they started to hate people of different skin color and races as a result of that fear. It’s a common belief that African Americans are constantly involved in some form of trouble. An example of this can be found in Bryan Stevenson’s novel Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption. Bryan Stevenson is a nationally acclaimed professor and lawyer who challenged the racism in the criminal justice system. Growing up in Atlanta, Georgia, Stevenson often witnessed acts of racial discrimination from authorities. In one situation, Stevenson became the victim of such discrimination while sitting outside of his Midtown Atlanta apartment listening to music. Authorities soon approached him, accused him of being a thief, and illegally searched his car. At that moment, Stevenson realized that we, as a society, still have a long way to go in accepting the progress African Americans have made and getting rid of negative
Artists have an interesting perspective about hip hop’s relationship to racism, and racial exploitation. Black and white artists have totally different opinions towards hip hop and its relation to racism. Lots of black artists have come from the poorest situations and made a life for themselves by rapping or singing about hip hop. They rap with passion, courage and energy. Lots of white rappers, who usually come from nice backgrounds, have enough funds to start
Certains ideals such as hyper sexuality, material possesions, and hegemonic masculinity found in hip hop certainly highlights some of its negative aspects. Hip-hop in a sense at times can promote feminism in the sense of sexual freedom (at least in the lyrics provided) where certain songs condemn women for the same freedoms. It is suggested that many young people especially young black people begin to monitor and interrupt some of the messages and ideals that are taken in /followed. Personally the ideals in much of hip-hop do not reflect my own values or views on femininity or masculinity although I do listen to most of the music. Being an educated young black man I in a sense can see through most of the gimmicks and fads that of the music portrays and keep to my personal values more times than not. That said there are times that I do find myself reciting lyrics or enacting the same negative ideals that I personally do not believe because I may like a song. This is where education and awareness comes in and I am able to recognize and correct my behavior which is something I would like to see become more popular amongst my
Hip-hop can demolish citizen. For instance violence in some songs cause the youth to starts fights and also kill citizens. On the other hand, gangs and street thugs are a few examples. However teenagers kills, steals, vandalize, and etc. Therefore, hip hop has produce an negative impact in the world today. It has promoted an unhealthy lifestyle. This is due to attitudes and behaviors of American Youth. In addition, it teaches African American youth to use profanity. Furthermore, american youth does not have no role model when listening to hip-hop.
As hip hop culture became prevalent in pop culture, so did black culture. Hip hop stems from black struggle. Their vernacular, songs, and spiritual ways were different from what whites were used to. Their different lifestyle of “living on the edge” was intriguing yet inaccessible for the whites living among them. Thus, this initiated America’s fascination with the culture. It became about what people assume and perceive about black people rather than what they actually are. In essence, an essential to cool is being on the outside, looking in. In the media and celebrities today,
I would answer this question by first thinking about all the factors that causing this fear of African Americans and then I would then decide which factors have the most impact. Based on the reading, the media is over reporting on crime committed by African Americans but underreporting African Americans as victims. So somehow the media needs to be balanced with both types of reporting or people can take the initiative and show the world how victimized African Americans really are. Next the lies perpetuated by society need to be exposed and finally everyone needs to fight against this injustice.
...atching MTV music shows or any music channel on television. As we continue to watch these programs, we will then notice that almost all the rap and hip-hop artists being shown are African-Americans. It is the particular lifestyle, and behaviour that is connected to what particular artists chose to vocalize about. This usually can harm the image of African-Americans due to the fact that many artists aid in the misconceptions of their particular race such as the example provided with 50 Cent’s song entitled P.I.M.P. These lyrics and song titles simply reinforce the negative image some individuals may have of both Caucasian’s and people of colour. Rap and hip-hop is one of the most intimate, personal, legitimate and important art form. Instead of perpetuating injustice, and prejudice artists should be addressing these different issues in a different matter.
All of the articles dealt with hip hop as an industry and how that industry is portrayed to African Americans through the commercialization of hip hop and stereotypes in society. The articles also discuss how that portrayal influences the opinions of African Americans to others and themselves.
In the eyes of the general public, all of Hip-Hop is usually categorized in the same way. Labeled as the poison of the Black community because nowadays, most Hip-Hop lyrics all sound the same generic way always talking about money, women, cars, drugs, or some type of beef that all these rappers sooner or later continuously have with one another. But what this new generation doesn’t know about are the positive and creative flows that were spit not so long ago in the 80’s and 90’s. Rappers back in the day like Tupac and Ice Cube both had times when they had to show off their thug sides but they both had reasons or a call-to-arms for that, and indeed were in tune with that era’s problems as well as the society where they were raised. Moreover, even though some new school songs actually look promising, old school songs are still always great classics that anybody in this day and age will most certainly vibe to.
The police sometimes brutalize black people for no apparent reason. Discrimination plays a big role in that, but black people shouldn’t have to live in fear of the people who swear to protect them. It’s gut wrenching to witness this still being a prominent problem in America. Discrimination is still a problem today as well. The media shows us statistics of racial crimes that seem to be inaccurate.
In the world today, racism and discrimination is one of the major issues being faced with. Racism has existed throughout the world for centuries and has been the primary reasons for wars, conflicts, and other human calamities all over the planet. It has been a part of America since the European colonization of North America beginning in the 17th century. Many people are not aware of how much racism still exist in our schools, workforces, and anywhere else that social lives are occurring. It started from slavery in America to caste partiality in India, down to the Holocaust in Europe during World War II.