Examples Of Organizational Structure And Culture

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Organizational Structure and Culture
Organization Structure and Culture are two important pieces in any business. Structure and culture are intertwined. In my present and former organizations I had the pleasure of participating in reorganization which allowed a distinct observation point, and came to realize that my opening statement is very much true. Looking at both these areas in comparison to what our text might offer, rightly so, Fischer (2012) has linked both structure and culture to covenantal obligations.
Organization Structure Authority originated with God. Romans 13:1 says, “There is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God, so let every person be subject to the governing authorities.” We see in Genesis 1:28 that God put everything in its place, and then placed ability to make decisions in the hands of Man to take care of the planet and to rule over every animal. This is an excellent model of organizational structure.
Robbins (2009) defines organization structure as the way “job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated.” Jackson (1987) describes it as, “a social system which is organized for the attainment of a particular type of goal.” Robbins further explains that
Martinez (2015) asks, “Can organization culture be changed?” She begins to answer this question in her article by succinctly saying, “The individual has a variety of expectations of the organization and, the organization has a variety of expectations of him; expectations such as these are not written into any formal agreement between employee and organization, yet they operate powerfully as determinants of behavior.” (Martinez, 2015) Herein, organizational culture is made, and yes, if her definition is true, then I believe it can be

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