Examples Of Oh Feminism

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Oh feminism, oh feminism. Gone are the days of true equality and diversity. Here are the days of double standards, hate, and brainwashing. Introducing the brand new flavour of feminism, ‘third wave feminism’.

This new wave has exploded in the past few years, but not in a positive way. These new feminists are undoing the very equality that previous generations of feminists fought for. The original movement served to give women the rights they obviously deserved to have, but the catch is, they already achieved it. Now that there is equal opportunity and equal wages, feminists are scrambling for new ‘problems’ to complain about. Forget equal rights; let’s make a public outcry against man spreading due to it being ‘inherently sexist’. Give me …show more content…

The same people, who want to complain about equality, are the same people who are outraged when the date wants to split the bill, an action that would be the definition of equality. A great example of a feminist double standard is their portrayal in the media. Feminists will cry and cry that women in magazines are ‘too slim, attractive, and represent unhealthy beauty standards’. Then they turn around and tell other women that being ‘big’ is healthy and ‘big women can be attractive too’. Do these ideology inheriting idiots, not realise that by glorifying obesity, they are literally killing people? ‘Don’t tell the obese women she’s unhealthy because it might hurt her feelings’, well she won’t be feeling much when she’s six feet under. Another great example of feminist hypocrisy is how they are always pushing for more women to work in certain fields, such as CEOs. Funny isn’t it. How they love the idea of more women CEOs as the majority are males, but turn a blind eye to ‘other’ fields such as mining, where there is a much greater percentage of male employees. Hmm, could it be, that they only want equality when it benefits them? Sounds like it to me. If it were truly about equality, women would be pushing for equal distribution of men and women in ALL fields of industry. You cannot cherry pick your …show more content…

Oh wait, have you not heard of this? Well let me tell you how it is. This third wave of feminism spreads so much false information that even the flat earth theory seems more factual. The purpose? Well, to brainwash impressionable half-wits, and convert them to the feminist cause. Seems akin to a cult in my opinion. Half of these activists don’t even know what they’re protesting, what with all the meaningless buzzwords they spit in people’s faces. I cannot believe that this movement gets away with telling women that they earn 77 cents to the man’s dollar. Complete rubbish! People actually believe this, and it’s because these feminists have a trick up their sleeves. I like to call it, ‘misinterpretation’. Yes, statistically men earn more than women on average. But were you also aware that this statistic is an average across every single field and position? That it does not actually show that women will be paid less for doing the same hours at the same job as a male counterpart? Most likely no, not if you’ve been brainwashed by a feminist at

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