Examples Of Hector's Speech In The Iliad

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Hector’s speech in Homer’s The Iliad (book 6) briefly talks about why he joined the Trojans. He is lamenting to his wife, Andromachê, about his ultimate sacrifice in joining the Trojan army. His motivation for fighting in the war is best described as an overwhelming sense of fate. Hector, in his dramatic dialogue, declares that he, like any other man, cannot “escape his fate”, and that “war is for men, for all men.”
In ancient times, due to the presence of the gods on earth with mere mortals, the concept of fate was a real and commonly known subject. And it was a justifiable reason for going to war. But Hector wasn’t the only man fighting in this war.
Earlier in The Iliad (book 1), Achilles condescends King Agamemnon, declaring his noble cause

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