Hector Quotes In The Iliad

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The Iliad is an epic written by Homer around 750 BC. It tells the story of the struggles of the 10th year of the Trojan War. Hector, prince of Troy, is one of the main characters in this book and was killed by Achilles. The hero of The Iliad is Hector because although he isn't the most courageous soldier, his respect for others and dedication in battle makes him the hero of The Iliad. In The Iliad, Hector isn't always shown as a courageous character. In book 18, Achilles discovers Patroclus is dead. Upon the realization that Hector is to blame, he is ready to rejoin the fight against Troy. The Trojans start to lose their courage until hearing Hector’s speech in which he says, “Tomorrow at daybreak armed to the hill for battle we slash to attack against their deep curved Hills!...I for one, I'll never run from his grim assault.(18.353-357)” In …show more content…

He uses imagery in phrases such as “slash to attack” to convey how aggressive he wants his troops to be when fighting the Greeks. The quote also uses diction where Hector says “never run” and “grim assault” to convey that no matter what the Greeks do he won’t back down. Later on in The Iliad, Hector does not display this level of courage. Book 22 starts with Hector disregarding his parent’s pleas for him to stay within the walls of Troy. Hector seems ready to fight Achilles until they are face to face and Hector is scared. In the book it states, “Hector looked up, saw him, started to tremble, Nerve gone, he could hold his ground no longer he left the gates behind and away he fled in fear and Achilles went for him fast sure of his speed as the Wild Mountain Hawk...swooping down on a cringing dove(22.162-167).” Homer uses imagery and a simile in this section to convey Hector’s lack of bravery in comparison to Achilles fearlessness. Homer uses phrases such as “started to tremble” and “away he fled

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