Similarities And Differences Between Hector And Achilles

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According the Iliad by Homer, Hector and Achilles are the main characters that have many different, but also they have some similarity.They both have the different in personalities and life. Also, they have the different about leadership and relationship with their family. Both are the two strong warriors and heroes. Achilles is in Greek side, Hector is in the Trojans side , and they both want to win the battle . Both characteristics believed that their fate is to die on the battle as the warrior, but approach war differently. However, they all have the advantage and disadvantage. Also, They have the different reasons to fight the battle that hector fight for his homeland and his family's honor and Achilles fight for Helen , also because he is the best warrior that he want people to respected him.
In similarity, Hector and Achilles were born in royal family, and they loved their family. They both known as greatest warriors, and that is their fate to be warriors. Hector same as Achilles fight until die for their side, each person has own character made them to be remembered forever. Both of them have pride , glory, and they want everybody to respect them.
Achilles is related to God that he is the son of Peleus who is the king of the Myrmidons and the nymph Thetis who is the daughter of Sea God. His two good friends are Briseis and Patroclus . Otherwise,The two closest person to him is his mother and his friend Patroclus who is Greek warrior. That show when Hector killed his friend Patroclus , then Achilles was very sorrow "I sat by the ships, a useless burden,
though there are better in Assembly-
so may this strife of men and gods be done with."( Lines 104-107).When he has confidence, he will shared it to his mother. ...

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...perior warrior. I think the reader would like Hector more than Achilles because of his good nature and the pity ending of Hector's funeral ( Hector been killed by Achilles because Hector killed Achilles best friend who is patroclus). In the ending, Hector died in horrible way, but the Trojan did his funeral as a great hero.
In the final points, I think Hector has the most to loose in the battlefield at Troy, because he was killed by Achilles in a horrible way, but Hector is win in the spirit mind because he have many people loving him and celebrated for his funeral as a true hero, his name remembered forever as a great warrior of trojan, and his death body was take back from Achilles by helping of the King of Gods, Zeus, who sent Iris come down to help Priam who is Hector father. Hector has a great family relationship, leadership image, and a superior warrior.

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