Examples Of Egalitarianism In Healthcare

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The government plays a major role in the healthcare system. The government also has the force to create health measures. These measures include food safety and accessible drugs ( Food and Drug Administration) and other associations like the Center of Disease Control; helps individuals develop different ways to prevent the spread of diseases. Many laws has been put in place for motorist to follow, which means placing children in the car seats, and wearing seatbelts. Political systems is defined as a arranged association of laws, principles, and ideas. David Easton’s model of political science was outlined as a political system which was the main focus. There are several inputs, outputs, feedback, and specific information that can change the setting around us which means the healthcare environment. Consumer demands also government demands that go inside the political system. Once the demands are identified, the policies and government association are put in …show more content…

The two we will focus on are egalitarian- authoritarian and traditional inegalitarian. Equalitarian is a french word meaning equal. In the egalitarian system humans are equal in basic worth and social status. Basic characteristics of egalitarian-authoritarian political system have highly developed systems in the health and education system and no particular concentration of wealth. Many egalitarian countries have seen all types of communist regime. Some examples of egalitarian-authoritarian regions are Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam. Traditional-inegalitarian is the approval of economic, social, and political inequality. Aspects of a traditional- inegalitarian political consist of wealth and power being concentrated in a small population; not often does the government move towards different political openings of society and a tremendous percent of of a small group of individuals. Examples of traditional-inegalitarian countries are Arab countries like

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