Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

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The Nazis during world War II were extremely cruel towards the Jews. The Nazis dehumanized the Jews. they wanted to make the Jews feel worthless, like slaves. The Nazis didn't want the Jews to feel any different than any other Jew. A few of the many ways the Nazis dehumanized the Jews were; the way they transported them like cattle in the box cars, the way the Nazis made them all the same, and the lifestyle the Nazis gave them in the camps. These actions performed by the Nazis had a lasting effect on Elie Wiesel for the rest of his life.
One instance of the Jews being dehumanized by the Nazis, was how the Nazis transported them to the camps. The Jews were stuffed inside the cattle cars like animals. this had a lasting effect on Eliezer and his fellow Jews. The tight space would make some of the Jews go insane. the Nazis gave them ample amount of food and water, this made the Jews weak so that they couldn't do anything.”Some of the men pressed against the bars. there was nothing there; only darkness.”(Pg. 34 Para. 2) This quote shows how tight spaced and miserable the cattle car transport was for Eliezer and his fellow Jews. …show more content…

Every Jew inside the camp looked the same. When the Jews got inside the camp one of the first things the Nazis ordered them to do was strip down from all there clothes and belongings.”(Pg 44 Para. 1) For us this was the true equality: nakedness. Shivering with the cold.” This quote shows how the Nazis wanted the Jews to feel as worthless as dirt, like they were all the same with no differences between them. The Jews knew this too. They all felt equal, like they were all going into the same grave.The cruelty the Nazis showed towards the Jews was

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