Examples Of Confession In The Crucible

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Live or Die Confession
The Crucible by Arthur Miller is set in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, in which John Proctor was obliged to confess to witchcraft and live or plead not guilty and die. Abigail Williams and other girls avoided being accused of witchcraft by falsely blaming others. One of Abigail’s targets was Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor’s wife. Abigail specifically targeted Elizabeth because she had an affair with Proctor and fell in love him; therefore, she wanted Goody Proctor dead. Proctor realized he truly loved his wife, so he wanted to fight for her innocence. Things did not fall into place as he expected, and he was accused of witchcraft. When someone was accused of witchcraft, he or she had the choice to confess to witchcraft and live or plead not guilty and be hanged. Proctor did not confess to a lie because he believed it was a sin to lie and would have set a bad example of integrity for his children; …show more content…

He believed that if he lied, he would be damned by God, and it would set a poor example of integrity for his children. In trial, Judge Danforth asked Mary Warren if she knew that “God damns all liars?” (1084, Miller). This was more of a statement than a question, for he clearly wanted to intimidate Mary. Many people believed that if you lied, you would go to hell. Proctor states that he has three children and asks how he would teach his children to be honorable men, when he was not going to be considered one himself. (1110, Miller). He would not be considered honorable because he would have confessed that he was a witch; that he wasn’t a man of God. Some say that Proctor would be damned by God and sent to Hell if he lied by saying that he committed witchcraft. In addition, people say his children would not see him as a good role model if he had confessed to being a witch. He chose to die and feel like he did the moral thing, instead of finding out the outcome of confessing to a

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