Examples Of Collage In Frankenstein

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My collage is an eclectic mix of images and quotations that convey central themes within Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. To begin, Shelley emphasizes the dangers of pursuing knowledge and science throughout the novel, drawing attention to the immensely destructive tendencies of Victor Frankenstein’s creature. Frankenstein labors relentlessly to assemble the monster, attempting to quench his unyielding thirst for discovery. However, he neglects to acknowledge the potentially disastrous repercussions of his creation, which ultimately wreaks havoc upon Victor’s life. Victor Frankenstein’s excessive experimentation and application of science is represented by the yellow picture containing a multitude of laboratory equipment and mechanic head. The atomic bomb explosion and light bulb containing fire …show more content…

This secrecy is evidenced by the picture depicting a man shielding his eyes and mouth. Victor Frankenstein similarly disregards his monster’s pleas, threats, and warnings, remaining silent as William, Justine, and many innocent individuals are murdered. The collage also touches upon the internal conflict that ravages the monster’s mind and inspires him to seek vengeance upon Victor. The creature’s inevitable agony, although constantly present throughout the novel, is highlighted during the scene that describes its tormented reaction to its reflection in a small pond. Despite the grotesque physical appearance of the monster, he is initially gentle and kind hearted. However, its inability to assimilate into society and experience companionship slowly imbues spite within the creation, causing it to declare, “If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear!” These significant detrimental effects of the creature’s exterior are brought to attention by the photo containing the hideous monster in the

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