Why Is Beowulf An Ideal Hero

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Beowulf’s bravery comes from his confidence that he can defeat monsters using different strategies. Hailey W. Odessa states Goodness, loyalty, courteousness, evenness, and bravery all describes the traits an ideal hero would possess. Then she says in the poem Beowulf, there is one character that carries all and more of these stated characteristics, and that character is indeed the protagonist known as Beowulf. We all need to understand life is an unforgettable journey. Beowulf’s life changed when he got older. The only question is what makes someone a hero? Features of what it means to be a hero are shown throughout Anglo-Saxon main values. One of the most renowned works from that time period is Beowulf. The story tells us of how one man, …show more content…

Age is a major factor in this fight. He is smarter but, he is not as fast. When you get older your body is beginning to break down and fail. The conflict starts because someone steals a cup from a dragon. The dragon lived on top of the treasure peacefully until someone got greedy and tried to rob him. The dragon awakens and starts burning everything in sight to try to find who stole the gold cup. The dragon burns down Beowulf 's house in a fiery breath of rage. Beowulf tries to fight the dragon. Beowulf sword breaks after one swing of the sword touches the tough skin of the dragon. After that 11 of the 12 of his soldiers run away. Beowulf uses people at his disposal to defeat enemies. Wiglaf is the only solider to stay and help him fight. Beowulf gets bitten in the neck by the dragon, but still defeats him. He thinks he is fine, but the dragon bite was poisonous. Then Beowulf dies, buried in the treasure. "My days/ have gone as fate willed,.../ As I knew how, swearing no unholy oaths,/ Seeking no lying wars. I can leave/ This life happy; I can die, here,/ Knowing the Lord of all life has never/ Watched me wash my sword in blood/ Born of my own …show more content…

That is exactly what Beowulf does. We all have heroes in our life. The three fights he was in can provide so many life lessons. Some of the few lessons are revenge, greed, and death. Revenge will have you didn 't think smartly. Revenge is very dangerous. Greed can put you in some very bad situations. Money isn’t everything. That is something kids today could learn. Death is a topic most people don’t want to talk about. Death is something that we see every day. Beowulf earns the title of an epic hero through being very smart. In doing so he achieves what Christopher Garcia says, “In Anglo-Saxon culture and literature, to be a hero was to be a warrior. A hero had to be strong, intelligent, and courageous” (“The Anglo-Saxon Hero”). When someone is in a form of leadership the people expect them to give them smart advice. Not only smart advice, but also to set an example before them that is smart. Beowulf is very brave and clever in the way he decides to confront Grendel. The smart tactic Beowulf uses to defeat Grendel is another way that he definitely earns the right to be called an epic

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