Examples Of Blind Spots In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Is the eye enough?

People are emotionally complex and multifaceted beings. We form opinions and views through experiences and they influence our actions. With this in mind, almost every person has one or more blind spots. Blind spots are instances when emotion and personal bias control thought and action alike, when one only acts on a primitive level. They stem from lack of personal knowledge of others. Causing the person to not see the right or wrong in their treatment of others. They can result in positive or negative reactions to situations. These blind spots good, or bad can and will define a person. In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird the reader is presented with many characters who display blind spots that contribute to conflict …show more content…

To Kill A Mockingbird provides many characters who have blind spots. They are positive and negative but they all cause the characters problems and fuel conflicts in the story. One of the main characters, optimist lawyer Atticus Finch, even displays his opinion on blind spots when he says, “Mr. Cunningham’s basically a good man, he just has his blind spots along with the rest of us” (Lee 210). Atticus is correct here, Mr. Cunningham was going to attack Atticus for defending black rapist Tom Robinson, but was talked out of it by Scout Finch. Mr. Cunningham evidently does not understand Atticus’s motives and morals and is therefore blind to his own behavior, but is not necessarily a …show more content…

Every character has them and they almost always lead to conflict with others. It is clear that the story needs blind spots or else Maycomb County is a perfect place. As imperfect humans many people fail to see things from others point of view before acting against them. These are our blind spots, our inability to relate to one another and tendency to act unfairly, blindly. Even though this story is almost a century old blind spots are relevant today and the cause of disputes between, countries, races, religions, and people in general. The good blind spots can still negatively affect people. It is imperative that one’s views and morals not cause them to hate another’s. Human beings are the same just become different as life goes on. Blind Spots may never go away, but the more you know about your’s, the less likely it is to cause

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