Examples Of Alienation In The Metamorphosis By Frank Kafka

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In his story “The Metamorphosis” Frank Kafka examines alienation, man’s isolation with modern society. It is a story about Gregor Samsa, a hard working man trying to pay off his father’s debt, and taking care of his family. However, happens to turn into a bug. The theme alienation is discussed from the beginning until the main character Gregor Samsa dies alone in his room. Gregor’s workaholism, rejection from his family and himself feed into his isolation. Guilt can come from many different aspects in life. In Gregor’s case it came due to his obligations to his job. Even his mother could see how dedicated he was to his work. One problem in particular is when Gregor says: "There's the curse of traveling, worries about making train connections, bad and irregular food, contact with different people all the time so that you can never get to know anyone or become friendly with them. It can all go to Hell!" If you go through life …show more content…

One example in particular is that Gregor does not go out at night, which is recreational time and the only time he has to relax and unwind. Even during the evenings, which is his time to relax, he is still working. A second example is before Gregor was transformed into a bug, he chose the lonely life of a traveling sales man, and chose to lock his doors in his own home at night. A third example is Gregor’s metamorphosis causes him to alienate himself from his family. Since he is no longer human he cannot communicate with his family. He keeps himself isolated from humanity and begins to examine his life. Instead of worrying about himself he worries about his family. He feels guilt that his sister is taking care of him so he hides under the couch so she doesn’t have to see him. He also feels guilt because his father has to go back to work and his mother has to sow to make ends meet. The guilt from all this forces him to stay in his room where he could die alone and his family can get on with their

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