Example Of Parentification Essay

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This article provides information collected from several young adults that grew up with a depressed parent. The purpose of the study was to examine how young people make sense of their world while growing up with a parent that suffers from depression. “The term “parentification” was introduced by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy to refer to family processes in which children take on roles or responsibilities in their families that are age inappropriate (Boszormenyi-Nagy & Spark, 1973) … In other words, parentification refers to (a) an interactional process within the family and (b) an intrapsychic dynamic that is situated on an imaginary or symbolic level and often remains unspoken (523).” As a result, the young person is often forced to deal with the vulnerabilities and unmet needs of the family that they would not otherwise have been exposed. Children, try to make sense of what is happening within the family while lacking a great deal of vital information. This process of figuring out roles and meaning unveils two themes. First, is the “need for meaning making” and the second is “sensitivity and caregiving”. The child’s …show more content…

The first domain, “perceiving little room for own experiences” can be broken down into 4 categories: “(a) not in touch with own feelings, (b) reluctance toward talking in the family, (c) feeling responsibility for the family well-being, (d) finding no response outside the family” (527). The second domain, “towards a reflective stance” is broken down into three categories, “(a) growing awareness of parental depression and own emotions, (b) relating parental depression to own identity, and (c) finding supportive connections” (529). The third domain, “Ongoing Processes of Repositioning in the Family” is broken down into two categories: (a) taking more distance from the family of origin and (b) expressing oneself more openly toward the parents”

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