Example Of Nonverbal Communication

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The first conversation with someone you know. The first person I talked to was my son Joseph. Our conversation lasted about thirty to thirty-five minutes. In opening the conversation I asked him if he was ready for bed not knowing that the conversation would move into a more sensitive topic in which it was about his Asperger. Joe’s Asperger is a very sensitive topic and he doesn’t like to talk about so I was surprised that he was willing bring up the conversation on his own. I wasn’t going to pass up on this conversation, so I began with a question to keep the conversation going and then give feedback when needed. I would say that this conversation was 50/50. We both took turns with saying how we felt, what we could do to solve any problems, and etc. I listened, and gave him the best feedback in a supportive and loving way. There were some points when Joe had a hard time completing sentences in a smoot and accrete way, he sometimes has to rephrase, but I know this, am patient, wait for him to gather his thought, and say what he means. Nonverbal communication with Joe is a little hard at times because he can go on about something and not let the other person take a turn, but he has gotten a lot better at this.

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