When the word "ticket" is heard, your mind may think of the basic form of admission to an amusement park or what a policeman will hand out for breaking the law. However, thinking of a ticket in the sense of a metaphor such as a
"one way ticket" opens your mind to new possibilities and questions as to if one were to possess such a ticket, where would they go? Imagining a ticket that could transport me wherever, I would take that ticket to a place free of judgment, violence, and anything negative, a utopia if you will. The image of a place where violence does not exist in any way, shape or form. There would be no worries as to who will target the innocent next, or what kind of entity the public should fear next. Not only would the world exist
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Coming to a perfect world after spending the entirety of your life in an imperfect one, you will wish to enjoy and explore the limits of a utopia completely opposite of your world. That is what I will do if my ticket granted me access to such a place. First arriving, I will attempt to explore as much as possible and take in the perfection that is that world. To view the parallels of the happiness of the utopia versus the struggles and disasters of our current world, I would note every comparison mentally. Once I'm there, I want to spread stories of the original place where I came from and how different it is. It wouldn't be spread as a form of disgust and hatred, but rather to serve a comparison of how much better a place can be when all negative things detrimental to someone are taken away. While qualities such as these are ideal for a peaceful utopia, bringing them back to the current world would not be a good idea because of the fact that our world is not a utopia, it is a place with imperfections. Most likely, the current world will be partially missed, as humanity functions in finding a balance of perfection and imperfection. However, it is unfair to say that some must suffer so
on a journey of moving freely in time and space to allow them to know
In the novella Anthem, this can be seen building up in the main character, Equality. As the story progresses, you can see Equality 7-2521, harbour a growing hatred for his fellow brothers. When Equality goes to show his creation to the world council, they reject his idea and shun him, possibly generating that feeling of rage. After Equality gets his idea rejected, he seems to now show the malice that was pushed away all of his life spent in the Community. The novella Anthem shows us that even though hate is a bad emotion, keeping all of those negative feelings felt towards others locked away can expand them and make them even worse.
assigns you a day to appear in court, if you choose to fight the ticket rather
H. G. Wells’ book, A Modern Utopia was published in 1905. This book seems to be unique for two reasons. As Wells tells us, it is told from the point of view of "a whitish plump man" that he calls the "Voice" (1). This allows the book to be what Wells calls, "a sort of shot-silk texture between philosophical discussion on the one hand and imaginative narrative on the other" because the Utopia that we visit in the story is the one inside the mind of the "Voice" or the narrator (ix). He (the Voice) is talking to a friend, a botanist that continues with him on his journeys, about utopian thought when suddenly these two men have been transported past Sirius to Utopia, the Voice’s ideal planet that is exactly the mirror of Earth, from geology to each individual person. Sometimes the narrator describes what is actually going on around them, what they are actually doing in Utopia, but more often he talks about what he thinks Utopia should be like, and the reader must interpret this as how this Utopia is, since this Utopia itself is in his imagination.
Few people would take issue with the statement that America faces monumental challenges both to its own well-being as well as to its self-imposed duty to become "a more perfect union". Over the years, many speakers, authors, and dreamers have used the dirty facts of this nation's (and its predecessors') seemingly unrepentant capitalism, paternalism, belligerence, and tendency toward cultural assimilation to declare the entire enterprise bankrupt and to focus, not on where, exactly, the USA went wrong, but instead on what the truly ideal civilization would look like. They have created, in speech or on paper, entire realms of happiness and harmony, free of injustice, crime, and any other negative social vice. They have failed, however, in most cases, to free themselves from the trap of the nature of the human animal and his uncanny ability to absolutely avoid accurate prediction or even adequate description. It is my suggestion that, out of the bulk of utopian proposals the world has seen, the Constitution of the United States does, in fact, come the closest to creating "no place" for the greatest number of people through its pragmatism, its admission to not knowing the nature of every man, and, most importantly, its allowal of alternate visions of Utopia.
Utopias often describe the ideal society as a perfect harmony between male and female, black and white, rich and poor.
And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I
A perfect world is what everyone dreams of, our paradise. This is known as a utopia. However, can a “perfect world” actually be perfect ? Many do everything
The concept of Utopia has been around for many years, tracing back to ancient Greece. The word for Utopia came from the Greek words ou and topos, meaning no place. Even from the beginning, the concept of Utopia was not seemed to be possible.
In a perfect world there would be no violence ,discrimination, economic inequallity or hate towards any type of people. In the modern world a Utopia is commonly expressed as one with balance in social, economic and political aspects. In a perfect world there would be no violence ,discrimination or hate towards any type of people. Assistance would be given to those in need. The economy would be in great shape there would be no poor nor rich everyone would be equal. This type of utopia will be slightly communist as it shares the wealth with its people. A perfect world would have a population of people in great stride and happiness. A perfect world would have living in peace in harmony no matter the color on your skin.
To explore the concepts of Utopian theory, both political and social, one must first engender a concrete definition of what Utopia means. Sir Thomas More, the original creator of the term Utopia, signifies it as “no place”. However, More’s clever play on words seems ultimately to suggest that ”no place” is just no place right now. That is to say that Utopia is “an ideal place that does not exist in reality” yet (Murfin and Ray 529).
The idea of utopia has been used throughout history, but what impact does this idea have? Utopias, or the “ perfect societies “ are not possible, and this is due to many factors that hinder the progress of a society that seeks to become a utopia. Along with this, many utopian experiments have failed in the past, showing how there are many problems that come with trying to create a perfect society, and so far, no perfect utopia or society has appeared, and it is very unlikely that a perfect society will ever exist. Although many believe that this is due to human nature, there are also other factors that have led and will lead to the downfall of any utopian experiments. Factors such as restrictions, lack/decrease of productivity, and moral/religious
Ben Franklin himself said, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
This hatred where especially one of the reasons why the racist group Ku Klux Klan was started, and spread. In a world where there is lots of love, and respect, there is also an opposite side, just like ying and yang. There is good, then there is an opposite, bad.