Evolutionary Computation Algorithm Essay

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2 Evolutionary Computation Algorithms
2.1 Introduction
Evolutionary computation algorithms are based on the biology evolution theory. Have you ever heard the phrase "Survival of the fittest" - Herbert Spencer? Imagine an island of castaways and the only resource of food are coconut trees. It make sense that whoever is tall enough will feed and survive. A few years after those people will match and give birth to children with better characteristics, in our case taller. So as the years gone by and generations comes and go the island will end up with almost only tall people.
Based on the evolutionary theory as described above, evolutionary computation produce solutions and keeping the fittest of them. In 1948, Alan Turing was the first who introduce this biological approach in problem solving. On 1962, we had the first actual experiments on "optimization through evolution and recombination".
Below I will analyse the most important components of an evolutionary computation algorithm and explain how it works.

2.2 Representation
Let us see now how this algorithm works. The algorithms randomly creates solutions. Each one of these solutions has a fitness value based on some criteria. Those solutions of a specific problem are also called Phenotype, while the encoding of each solution is called Genotype. We refer on Representation as the procedure of establish the mapping between genotypes and phenotypes. Representation is used as in two different ways. As mentioned before, representation establish the mapping between the genotype and the phenotype. This means that representation could encode ore decode the candidate solutions.

2.3 Fitness or Evaluation Function
Evaluation function or as is commonly referred the fitness function i...

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...ly into the new population. We repeated this procedure until the termination condition is matched.
Termination condition is the condition that ends the evolutionary computation cycles. Termination condition can be the maximum number of cycles allowed, ore in case we know the optimal solution the value of that solution.

2.8.2 Stages of the Algorithm
As the generations come and go the individuals in the population will become of better quality and the best of them will become even better. As present in the diagram below.

Let us now see the quality of individual the population over the time. As shown below at the starting point of the algorithm individuals are of less quality. However as the time goes by population’s individuals are getting of higher quality and reaching the pick of global and local optima. The image below illustrate these stages of the algorithm.

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