Everyone Should Sacrifice Their Individual Rights For The Common Good

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Security provides comfort and stability to those who experience it, and there is nothing wrong with being too safe. Losing some personal rights for the common good will prove that it was worth it in the end. 9/11 sent the United States into a panic, buildings crashed, moreover, lives were lost. This tragic attack commenced the great debate of whether one should sacrifice their individual rights for the common good. Calamities like 9/11 still happen today; innocent people were just recently killed in Las Vegas, and then Texas a few weeks after. These attacks show beyond doubt, it is time to make some changes in the average everyday life like, going through security checks, or more baggage checks at the airport.
9/11 was the beginning of a new age in America, an age of terrorism. That day, the nation came together and as the patriotism increased, so did the levels of security. The United States of America has several processes that are typically responses to terrorism. Immediate actions taken may involve, taking control of entry points in the US, increasing airport security, and immediately researching any and all information that can be found on suspects. (https://www.nap.edu/read/10570/chapter/5 11-13-17). These are basic steps that continue to provide people with individual …show more content…

Not to say that regular individuals, don’t have an influence on the final outcome, because that is certainly not the case. As citizens, our opinions matter, but moreso the opinions of the leaders of our nation. As it is now, the fourth amendment shows the balance between individual rights and common good. This was amendment was revised by the government in 1992, when the issues became obvious to the public eye. (https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/United_States_of_America_1992 11-16-17) Government officals will always have the final say in the end, no matter how many people are fighting for better security or more

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