Every Kid Needs A Champion Analysis

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Education is a way of understanding the world. Education pushes students to think critically and question what is going on, so they can understand for themselves. This allows them to examine and interrogate their own beliefs to draw conclusions based on the information given from teachers. The role a teacher plays is profound in the learning process of the student; they are there to provide information and guide students in order to keep them on track. If the student is not willing to cooperate, then there is no way to teach them. The pupil must be able to accept, and even question what the teacher is teaching. The key to teaching is being able to make a student think. The purpose of education is to urge students to think independently, making …show more content…

Rita Pierson in her speech, Every Kid Needs a Champion, argues that it is important to develop a personal relationship with the student. Establishing a relationship with the student is crucially important because she says “Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” That even the most incompetent students will learn if you develop a connection with them. This relationship will make the student feel appreciated and important which would make them want to learn more. Although, developing a relationship could make them want to learn more, it wont necessarily benefit them in the outcome. The most beneficial way of teaching is providing the students with information and stepping back, this pushes them to wrap their minds around it. This allows the student to develop their own opinion on the subject, rather than following the idea of another. Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay, from Education, challenges Pierson’s claim by stating that the teacher should guide the student and teach to provide insightful ideas but then should step back and give the student a chance to think for himself. In reality, the majority college professors do not take the time to develop personal relationships with each individual student in order to improve the learning abilities of the student. Also in the workforce, many people will not take the time to develop a special connection to make it easier to learn your

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