Evaluation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Evaluation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Form, Structure and Plot

Frankenstein, an epistolary novel by Mary Shelley, deals with epistemology, is divided into three volumes, each taking place at a distinct time. Volume I highlights the correspondence in letters between Robert Walton, an Arctic seafarer, and his sister, Margaret Saville. Walton's letters to Margaret basically explain his expedition at sea and introduce Victor Frankenstein, the protagonist of the novel. Volume II is essentially Frankenstein's narrative, told in his point of view, with much action, death, and many more characters. There are a few chapters within this volume in which the monster narrates his adventures while alone. Volume III displays Victor's death and the monsters portrayal as a desperate character. Robert Walton also writes one final letter to his sister, explaining the remainder of Victor's story. The story is written chronologically, but because Victor's narrative brings about a flashback, it seems as if Victor is found, then the story shifts back in time to Victor?s youth and works its way back into present time. Volume I and Volume III are written in Walton?s perspective but Volume II is written mostly in Frankenstein's point of view. The work follows the patterns of an epistolary novel in that letters introduce the plot, the plot itself follows, and then letters to commence the plot end the story. The actual happenings of Frankenstein cover a two year period, but this does not include Victor?s narrative in Volume II.


The characters that serve as narrators at some time during the story, Robert Walton Victor Frankenstein, and the daemon, may be considered believable. Walton describes his aspirations and limited findings, which lack room for inaccuracies. Frankenstein?s narrative, which seems somewhat farfetched at first with the introduction of the monster, proves itself as believable due to the raw emotions he expresses. The monster?s narrative is also believable because it just accounts for what he had done to fill time while alone in the woods.

Victor Frankenstein, one of the novel?s round characters, may be described as a creative, knowledgeable, and reserved man in his middle ages. The novel is unique in that Victor Frankenstein is both the protagonist and antagonist, consequentially creating a conflict of man versus himself. W...

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...n my native wood, nor known nor felt beyond the sensations of hunger, thirst, and heat! Of what a strange nature is knowledge! (119).

The theme only heightens toward the end when Frankenstein sputters his dying words: ?Farewell, Walton! Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be the only apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in the science and discoveries. Yet why do I say this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed.? (215). It is only appropriate that his dying words confront the main them of the story. In essence, Frankenstein is confirming that knowledge is, in fact, dangerous, but even more dangerous is not pursuing knowledge for if one were to succeed, he would open that field up to all of mankind.

Significance of Title

There seems to be no true significance of the title Frankenstein. It seems merely to be named after the story?s main character, protagonist, antagonist, and, of course, its roundest character.

Works Cited:

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Ed. D.L. Macdonald and Kathleen Scherf. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1994.

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