Evaluating Boxing as a Sport

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Evaluating Boxing as a Sport

I am going to discuss whether boxing is a sport of if it is just

legalised fighting, there are a lot of people who argue that it is

wrong and isn't a sport and should be banned however others argue that

it is a sport and that it should be continued as so many people enjoy

watching and taking part..

Boxing is a sport that has history dating back to centuries ago.

Boxing can be defined as a sport that is merely a legalised way of

attacking another person. It is indefinitely a sport, which takes out

the worst in not only the boxer himself or herself but also the

spectators. A large, majority of boxers were once young, aggressive

juveniles who built up for themselves reputations of being

accomplished street fighters, and therefore were in this way noticed

by local professional talent scouts. These scouts brought these

juveniles into a world where the golden rule is that the harder you

throw the punches, the further you get in the way of a career. These

young boxers are conned into believing that the more aggressive they

are in the ring, the more respect they will gain in the boxing

community, they are conned into a sense of belonging within this

community. When really they are being exploited in all ways imaginable

by their managers and fight promoters. For instance once a boxer

reaches the age of 18, a manager can now take a cut of 25% of the

takings of a match. A completely preposterous figure when you take

into consideration that it is the boxer who is knocking the years of

his life with each fight he takes part in and not the manager. Boxers

are the means by which managers make their money; to be fin...

... middle of paper ...

... of getting of the

ground. The most important ropes in boxing are not those of the ring

but those that the shrew manager has spent lifetime learning. Most

managers are shrewd but it is almost impossible for them to be

unscrupulous. There are rules and regulations which load the dice

against them. The manager and boxer can have a contract between then

for three years, So if after three years the boxer decides he is

getting a raw deal he can find himself another manager.

To bring the pros of boxing to an end here is a famous quote by the

late Arthor Dickson Wright, the eminent neuro-surgeon and boxing

enthusiast. He would always tell the ban-boxing brigade that he had

seen very few head injuries among boxers…that he had seen far more as

a result of domestic quarrels. And he'd gently ask; "So shall we ban


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