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Why boxing shouldn't be banned
Arguments For and Against Banning Boxing
Should boxing be banned
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Boxing Should Not be Banned In recent years, there have been many campaigns to try and have boxing
banned. Those in favour of banning boxing argue that it is dangerous,
potentially life threatening and generally unsafe. It can also be
argued that it is immoral to give someone money for fighting with
someone else. Those who are against boxing being banned argue that it
is no more dangerous than other sports. In this essay, I will
critically examine each of these arguments and demonstrate to the
reader that the sport of boxing should not be banned. I will provide
evidence that can fully justify my comments.
Firstly, I do not think anybody can argue against my strongest point,
which is that every single boxer in Britain takes part in the sport on
their own accord, and are not being forced to fight by anybody else.
Everyone, if given the opportunity, has a right to take part in what
ever sport he or she wishes and therefore it is a human right. Some
may say that tagging boxing a ‘voluntary’ sport is too simplistic a
view. However, I believe that this is not the case and it leads me to
my next point. Boxing, in fact, offers many young men a way out of
their rundown social background and offers them with an opportunity to
use what skill they possess to make a living for themselves. If a
person legitimately has a gift of strength and ability, then nobody
has the right to stand in their way. If they do then they are
effectively denying the person a ...
... middle of paper ...
...might not be
ideal role models for children.
Boxing has been banned in Sweden for the past thirty years. However,
the Swedish government is now planning to lift this ban, as they
believe it is illogical, especially given the increasing popularity of
other fighting sports that are not prohibited.
There are many justified arguments in favour of banning boxing however
there are also numerous arguments in favour of boxing. If boxing is to
be banned I believe much more research is required. However in my
opinion boxing should not be banned but more safety measures should be
taken. Safety helmets could be used in professional fights as well as
amateur fights and rounds could be shortened. Also I believe that the
boxers know what they are getting themselves into, so surely it’s for
them to weigh up the pros and cons.
Yes they might get paid handsomely but the lifelong damages it causes to the boxers are overwhelming. Life expectancy goes down even more when it comes to boxing because boxers have no head protection so if they get hit in the head it will cause severe
because of plain view. In the second case that we are going to argue, which
Hockey is the game played with the curved stick and it is found in every culture. It has been a part of the Canadian and North American culture for over a hundred years. Hockey has developed from the original six to thirty teams, and many leagues. One thing that is prominent in hockey is the hit on the opposing player when he has the puck. Checking can be defined as using physical force to either gain possession of the puck or to disrupt the opposition’s play without breaking the rules. Checking has been a part of hockey since the beginning. Recently, there has been much controversy over whether or not checking in hockey should be banned. In the year 2005 and 2006 there were many rules and regulations added to checking that were not penalized before. Checking has made the hockey game more interesting game and also has given the opportunity to players to play more with minimal stoppage. I believe that checking should not be banned because medical science has gotten the ability to heal all injuries that occur in sports, players know in advance that there is high risk in the activity, and it allows a fan to sublimate his aggressive tendency.
Dodgeball was born over 200 years ago in Africa, where they used rocks to throw at each other and worked together as a team. The game is still played today and uses the same aspect of teamwork, but foam balls are used instead of rocks. Many people think that dodgeball is still too violent and shouldn’t exist. Dodgeball should not be banned in schools because it has health benefits, offers a challenge, and lets students look forward to going to school.
The poem above speaks volumes about the nature of man’s best friend. Dogs are not inherently created bad, but are rather “a product of its environment”. The same principle applies to the world’s most misunderstood breed of dog. When you hear the phrase “pit bull”, what do you think of? A savage beast, murdering out of cold blood? A menace to society, lurking the streets, just waiting for its next victim? This couldn’t be further from the truth for most pit bulls. These fantasised versions plague the breed, outlawing them in many cities, states, and even some countries entirely. These bans are called Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), and in over 700 American cities these laws are in effect. They are in place to decrease the number of attacks
Smacking has become a controversial debate in today’s society as a group of doctors tried to make a smacking of children illegal (Browne 2013). Similarly, smacking caused numerous deaths of children (Browne 2013). Smacking is a physical punishment which was a typical way that parents used to guide their children in past. Moreover, they believe that smacking is more effective and it is acceptable. Physical punishment is illegal in 33 countries, whereas in some states and territories physical punishment by parents is legal as long as it is “reasonable” such as Australia, United State, Britain and Canada (Why smacking should be regarded as a crime 2013). There are several reasons that smacking should be illegal in Australia. Physical punishment leads to aggressive and antisocial behaviour. Furthermore, Australian children have right of protection from violation. Finally, smacking children may lead to death.
Sports have impact in greater development in different countries based on the individuals’ representatives and the history behind the person. Keep in mind that, boxing was one of the significant sports in America’s history. "Boxing provoked the deepest white anxiety about Blacks manhood and Blacks equality". More importantly, Jack Johnson was one of the greatest figure in U.S. boxing history. From my greatest general studies on this topic because of the time frame, like any other sports in the twentieth century, boxing was also segregated, but Jack Johnson was able to be the first African American to won the heavyweight champion in the twentieth century. The heavyweight champion was a symbol of masculinity and ranked highly among the white upper and middle class society.
As skateboarding evolved, it was once something kids do in their free time, later became a prospering sport. This started many new changes to our local cities. “No skateboarding” signs are being posted places that skateboarders would go to practice. Architects are finding new ways to redesign structures like benches and handrails in the city, in order to lower the abundance of skateboarder in an area. All these changes have resulted in a good amount of money spent redoing everything to prevent skateboarding, but nothing is being done to give skateboarders a safe place to skate. For young teens whose only transportation is a skateboard, they can only travel so far, and skateparks are not close enough. To eliminate the amount of skateboarders in heavily populated areas, I propose that cities invest more money into building skateparks so skateboarders have a safe place to practice the sport.
Thus, whether or not the case for legal prohibition is determinative, many reasons have been given for moral concern about boxing. It is perfectly appropriate for those who share such moral concerns to refuse to support boxing, to urge others to refrain from supporting it, and to advocate strong reforms in the practice of boxing. (Simon, 2001, p.355)
Book banning in the United States and anywhere else in the world I feel should be abolished. Books are published and written for a reason. The reason is to expand the mind to new things. Sure some books are better than others but there is no reason to challenge or ban books.
Although some people still oppose the fighting style and physicality of MMA, the benefits clearly outweigh the consequences. With strict and organized regulation of MMA events, proper care and insurance risk can be minimized, but it’s necessary to se...
Fox hunting is a very controversial subject, and for many years people have campaigned against it. Fox hunting is classed as a blood sport, which involves hounds chasing a fox, in order to kill it. There are also people following the fox on horses. Many of these people carry guns, in case the fox manages to escape with injuries. This way, the fox is put out of its misery and suffers little pain. Apart from being a sport that is enjoyed by many people, fox hunting is also a tradition and provides many people with employment as the animals need to be looked after, and the participants of the sport need accommodation.
Individuals may disagree and argue that we should revoke the ban so we will be able to monitor it more safely. If the ban on performance-enhancing drugs was to be lifted, who knows what the next illegal drug to become legal will be.
Smoking is one of the leading killers in North America and innocent. people shouldn't die because of it. For years people have been smoking. in public thinking, "It's my body, I can do whatever I want to do." now that it has been proven that smoking not only harms the smoker.
Could you imagine a world without secondhand smoke, harmful effects to the environment, and a world that is more supportive of quitting smoking? As impossible as it seems, it’s actually not as far out of our grasp as you may think. Over the course of this paper I will be arguing for smoking to be completely banned in public places because of the numerous health concerns as well as environmental hazards. To smokers this may seem as an attack on their freedoms. By banning public smoking we are removing their freedoms so to speak. The point isn’t to remove freedoms from anyone, but to avoid imposing our choices, such as how we handle our health, on others. Smoking is a serious health risk for smokers and non-smokers alike. While it is unrealistic for smoking to be completely banned anytime soon, I don’t think banning smoking in public is out of our reach. It isn’t legal for people to go around killing each other, so why should smokers be able to affect non-smokers with secondhand smoke, which has the same effect? While comparing smoking to murder may seem a bit extreme, I believe it helps emphasize just how bad secondhand smoke and smoking in general really is. Smoking should be banned in public because of secondhand smoke, environmental damage, and it would influence people to stop smoking.