Evaluate The Adoption Process

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Research Evaluation:
My research project focused on how the adoption process can effect a person’s wellbeing. I focused on the post adoption experience and the emotions that come with finding out you are adopted. My outcome was presented in the form of an informative magazine article. I found that every person’s experience with adoption is going to be different. Some may have an excellent experience where as others may have a bad experience. I found that there are many support programs that people can contact to help them through their adoption experience. Whether they want to contact their biological family or if they want a person to talk to that knows what they are experiencing, the support programs are there to help them through the process. The research …show more content…

However, as stated above, this did not necessarily affect the quality of my outcome as the secondary sources I provided were sufficient in producing the information centred on my key findings. As my topic is fact based, I had to make sure the sources I used were credible to ensure the accuracy of the outcome. As such, I have mostly been able to answer my question successfully. However, there were areas that were not covered due to the size restrictions on the outcome.
My outcome could definitely be used by the general public as it is very informative about the whole adoption process in Australia. If someone was looking to adopt reading through my outcome would become very useful to give them a better understanding of what the adoption process is not only before adopting the child, but also during the process and post adoption. As some people may not be aware of the effects adoption can have on people’s wellbeing, my outcome puts all of the information they would need to understand the effects and how they can approach them.

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