Eva Smith In J. B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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An Inspector calls, written by famous playwright J.B Priestly, was first performed in 1945. The play’s focus point is a wealthy family known as the Birlings. A visit from an unexpected, peculiar and very curious Inspector Goole emerges into something quite horrific and quite worrying for the Birling household, as they discover that they have participated in a suicide of a young woman known as Eva Smith, who died consuming a bottle of disinfectant. Priestley’s aims are to address people to take responsibly for their actions, not to allow others to be held accountable for their actions. Each and every member of the Birling family and Gerald Croft, have met Eva Smith, however, none of them is aware of the others being involved in the …show more content…

We gain the feeling that Mr Birling cares very little for his staff, and in fact didn’t associate himself much with many of his employees, as he gladly says, “I have a couple of hundred workers under me, who keep changing”. Mr Birling showed no personal feelings for any of the staff working under his name. Eva Smith was struggling financially at the time and felt that the company in which she was working for gave very little and so decided that a strike should take place, as a result of the strike she, unfortunately, was fired. Mr Birling exclaims, “In spite of what happened to the girl since, I consider I did my duty”. Here, ‘I did my duty’ gives the impression that he is very a cold-hearted character, refusing to treat Eva with any respect or take moral responsibility for her and limiting her prospects. When being interviewed by the inspector he always wanted to remain in control of the situation wanting people to see things from his perspective. We sense Mr Birling doesn’t like to be asked too many questions and so he threatens the Inspector by saying, “Perhaps I ought to warn you that he is an old friend of mine (Referring to the Chief Constable)”. Despite the Inspector trying his absolute best to try to allow Mr Birling to understand his actions he seems to be very abrupt and firm and shows no regret for firing Eva

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