Euthanasia Essay - The Controversial Issue of Doctor-Assisted Suicide

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The Controversial Issue of Doctor-Assisted Suicide

Imagine youu have just found out you are going to die within three months.

Recently the questions have been changed form, "What am I going to do with the

rest of my life?" to "When should I kill myself"? With painful and crippling

diseases such as AIDS and cancer, and Alzheimers along with doctors such as Dr.

Kavorkian, some people are choosing death over life. Doctor assisted suicide

has been a very controversial subject in the past few years. Some states such

as Oregon have passed laws which allow doctors to prescribe lethal drugs to

patients who have less then six months to live.(Henin 1) Other state have taken

the opposite side. I believe that if you are able to reason and think

rationally you should decide whether to live or dir. If not the people who know

you best should make the decision.

If you are ever in a situation where you now you wil soon die the choice

whether or not to kill youself should be your own. I believe that

doctorassisted suicide should not be controlled by the government, but should be

apersonal choice based on the individual. Many people could not imagine living

in a hospital bed for the remainder of their lives. They would rather die with

dignity than live out the rest of their lives depandant on others. The

government thinks that they know what is best for the people. If everyone is

an individuall, how can the government know what is best for everyone. I feel

that people shold make up thir own minds about what is best for them. Joshua

Haney worote an article on assisted suicide. He says, "Everyday we make choices


... middle of paper ...

...rite,s "We all di. Death is a part

of life. Death is inevitable. Why should each of us not have the right to

choose when and how we did; and if we are in no position to do so, why shoulld

those who know us best not be allowed to help? Why is it considered acceptable

for sospital staff to indefinitely postpone death with machines and tubes and

potent toxic pharmaceuticals, and not to help people go easily when their time

has come? Wher is the humanity in all this? (Kushner 3)


Haney, Joshua, "RE: Assisted Suicide," 4/16/96

A. Wilkie Kushner, MB-Reprinted from Letters to the Editor, Gobe & Mail

Hendin, Herbert, MD, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Oregon Tries the Dutch

Way, Wellness Web, The Patient's Network,

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