Eulogy For Mother

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You are probably wondering why in the world I am wishing you a Happy Father's Day. Well, a couple days ago I was picking out a card to mail to Dad for Father’s Day, realizing that none of the sayings matched his description. In fact most of them matched yours because in my opinion you were the one who raised me and played both roles of mom and dad in my life. Honestly, I would not want to have it any other way or we would not be the people we are today, and if I do say so myself I think we both turned out pretty damn good. Plus now we have Doozer, which is a huge bonus in our lives. I just want to say thank you for everything you have done for me and continue to do. There will never be any way for me to express how much I appreciate and …show more content…

 Thank you for doing my laundry.
 Thank you for helping me with my homework, when I know you wanted to pull your hair out half the time.
 Thank you for letting me vent and giving me advice.
 Thank you for being overprotective.
 Thank you for instilling values in me.
 Thank you for letting me know it’s okay to make mistakes.
 Thank you for not being my best friend, but my parent.
 Thank you for wiping away my tears, dealing with my meltdowns, and telling me everything would/will be okay.
 Thank you for letting me have the last piece/helping of everything, when secretly I know you wanted it too.
 Thank you for working your ass off so I could have more than I needed.
 Thank you for always being in my corner and being my number one fan.
 Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone, when it was the last thing I wanted to do.
 Thank you for making me laugh/smile and giving me your warped sense of humor.
 Thank you for understanding me and supporting my decisions.
 Thank you for teaching me to work hard for what I want.
 Thank you for comforting me through heartbreaks, friends that ended up not being ones, and through things that I

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