Ethos And Logos In The Book Trailer

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The two ads we we decided to use to attract teens were a poster and a book trailer with Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. On our poster, we used Ethos and Logos with Bandwagon, Testimonial, and Facts & Figures for ad techniques. We used Ethos to show that our book was genuine and recommended by trusted sources. We also used Logos by siting, a trusted book source for teens. Stargirl was also a New York Times Bestseller. In our Book Trailer, we used Pathos and Ethos and Facts & Figures and Transfer for our ad techniques. We used Pathos because in the trailer, Stargirl (Maddie) was happy and then you see her fall down. Her falling down was a metaphor for the way Stargirl’s popularity crashed down. We also used Ethos because we talked about

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