Ethiopia Research Paper

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An Excursion to Ethiopia without Leaving Cary
When I saw an invitation to go for a Restaurant Review at Awaze’s from Karen, the Cary Park Magazine publisher, many images from one episode I watched on TV a week ago jumped across my mind. It was Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown—Ethiopia. And now I could go with Karen and a small group of people for a review at the only Ethiopian restaurant in Cary. I started to believe, for the first time, that synchronicity is real and truly wonderful.
We all arrived ahead of time, sat around a large pre-arranged table. This group of 10 reviewers couldn’t be anymore representing American people in my mind, people with different backgrounds from halfway around the world, such as England, Thai, China, and Karen’s couple are from CA; somehow, we felt as if we had known each other for years. Then, the appetizer, spring rolls was what I picked, showed up in front me. I was curious to know what could make Ethiopian rolls different. They looked about the same as those in Chinese …show more content…

I never drink coffee in the evening, but all of a sudden I remembered one WSJ article I read mentioning about Ethiopia as the birthplace of coffee, the most popular beverage by far in the world for thousand years. There was no way for me to pass it. The waitress came out a few minute later with a smoky pan, inside were coffee beans in the roasting. They use Ethiopian fresh coffee beans with all the roasting, grinding, and brewing done right before pouring in cups as if preserving the genuine aroma to its fullest before savoring were the utmost goal. One gentle sip revealed clearly a fuller, rounder, and well-balanced note with far more complexities than the 100% Columbia from a bag for my daily morning ritual. This food review turned out to be a full-blown excursion reaching its peak at the end. The lingering effect stuck in my tongue for hours after I left, yet for days in my

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