Ethics Case Study

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1. There are a few reasons that there could be a gap between the knowledge of ethics and being an ethical person. A person may not incorporate the ethical theories that they have learned into their lives, they may choose to be unethical, they may follow a code of ethics that it morally corrupt, or they might have psychological problems. We can be educated and knowledgeable in something, but not incorporate that subject or theory into our day to day lives. Sometimes it is because it conflicts with our beliefs or our moral code. I learned about the theory of evolution in high school and college science. I find the subject interesting and even enjoyed learning about it, but I do not believe it to be true. The knowledge I gained failed to change my belief in creationism. There are people that are raised and very well educated in particular religious beliefs and ideologies, but as adults Those of us that try to do the right and ethical thing are often force to make very difficult choices. We may have to choose between lying and protecting someone we care about, or choose between failing a class and cheating on a test. Those that choose to be morally evil do not have to face any hard choices. They do not struggle with the questions of what it right and what it wrong, because they simply do not care. It is possible that people that seem to have chosen to be morally evil are actually following an ethical philosophy or theory; it is just one that most of us view as morally corrupt. The may have create a moral code that does not include the ethic of just, or the ethic of care and the idea of moral responsibility might not figure in either. They may have also failed to create an actual system and are simply living by a theory like ethical egoism. Someone that lives by an ethical code that always puts their needs and wants before everyone else will more than likely be morally

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