Ethical Review Board (IRB)

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This paper will address history context of IRB, such as, the cause of an IRB, what is IRB? And benefit of IRB to subject patient and venerable population.

In United States, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a type of committee established and formally designated by law for clinical research, to review and approve the clinical research involving humans. IRB normally assesses risk and anticipated benefits of the clinical research initiated or to be initiated by an investigator, following the law, regulation and guidance. IRB is also known as Independent Ethics Committee (IEC), Ethical Review Board (ERB), or Research Ethics Board (REB), in accordance with difference national laws worldwide. Terms varies but they share a mutual goal – assurance …show more content…

The part explains the general requirement of informed consent and limited exceptions of informed consent. Because of the implementation of informed consent in most of the clinical investigations, the subject rights of voluntary participation and rights to be informed are secured. The following subpart introduces additional safeguards for children as clinical investigation subjects. Children are likely to be more vulnerable and are not capable of providing assent. Therefore, the additional safeguards provisions are written in …show more content…

The IRB aims primarily to assure the protection of rights and welfare of the human subjects. As described in a different term in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the IRB may also be called as an Institution Review Committee. After the investigator filing the research protocol for IRB review, IRB is then responsible to evaluate the investigator’s proposed research, in regards to the assessment of risk and anticipated benefits, as well as the compliance following the requirements by law and regulations.

21 CFR 56 states that IRB review could be exempted or expedited if meeting certain criteria respectively. Otherwise a full IRB review would be required.

For drugs, only very exceptional cases, such as emergency use of a test article, or criteria defined in 45 CFR 46 met, might be eligible for the IRB review exemption. Even so, the exemption must be determined by the IRB case by

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