Ethene To Ethanol

1036 Words3 Pages

Fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas are currently the world’s largest energy supply sources. However, all of it is non-renewable resources which means that it will take extremely long time to be formed and with the huge amount of consumption rate, one day the world will ran out of its main energy source. Therefore, alternative energy sources are needed to cut off the dependence on fossil fuels. One of the best alternative energy sources is ethanol. Ethanol is a renewable energy source as it uses sunlight, which will last almost forever, as a part of its production process. Ethanol is also an environmental-friendly energy source because it helps in reducing smog pollution and carbon dioxide emissions by up to 50%. This makes ethanol a perfect alternative energy source. Ethanol can act as a raw material for polymers such as polyethylene through the dehydration reaction. This dehydration reaction has been known and popular for many decades because of its simplicity, the reaction process is also claimed to be not cost-competitive, which is why ethanol can be used as a raw material for polymers.
Compared to fossil fuels, ethanol have some advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is its status as a renewable energy source, which is defined as a natural source that refills as time passes and is unlimited. Ethanol is a renewable energy source because it uses sunlight as a source for its production process. Sunlight is required for the photosynthesis process in plants such as corn which can be described by the equation:

The photosynthesis process helps plants to grow and survive before being converted into ethanol. Fossil fuels, however, is a non-renewable energy source.Thousand years are needed for fossil ...

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...ed States. The United States is the largest producer of ethanol fuel in the world. Many states in the country required ethanol blends, some of them required gasoline to contain at least 10 percent of ethanol. Both countries that are successful in using biofuel have something in common, they have the courage to make the policy that encouraged their citizen to use ethanol for their vehicles, as a result they are able to cut off their dependance on non-renewable resources.
Biobutanol has the potential to replace ethanol as a fuel in the future. Recent studies suggested that it does not damage car engines like ethanol does, it reduces fuel mileage , and it can blended with gasoline directly in the refinery. In conclusion, butanol can make up for ethanol’s weaknesses. However, butanol fuel is said to be too expensive and not competitive enough to compete with ethanol.

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