Essay Why College Athletes Should Not Be Paid

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Imagine getting paid to play the sport you love while still being in college, well that could be possible in the near future. As of right now, college athletes cannot receive a salary for playing a sport due to all of the resources they already receive, as well as still being a college student. College athletes can now sell their own memorabilia, but receiving an actual salary is a goal for the near future. In recent years and debates there has been controversial issues on deciding whether or not college athletes should get paid. To most, not giving a college athlete any type of payment or salary is what is best for the athlete. However paying college athletes will be beneficial for the athlete. Paying college athletes can help prepare them for their future if they choose to compete at the professional level, or will help …show more content…

People have a reason to believe this because of what writer for the Daily Local News, Kieran McCauley explains that the majority of college athletes will get a free education and tuition as long as they can represent the school in that sport. Since colleges do this, is it allows the athletes to not have to stress about textbook costs and meal plan costs (McCauley 1). McCauley acknowledges that college athletes should not receive a salary due to the fact that it is believed it is fair if colleges give athletes free tuition, textbooks, and meal plans, in exchange for the college athlete to represent that school in his or her particular sport. A large controversy inside of the issue of paying college athletes is which athletes would get paid and approximately how much would these athletes be paid? A lingering question when arguing whether college athletes should be paid or not is how much would each athlete actually be paid? In a study recorded by writer for Business Insider, Tony Manfred reports that “Right now the average player earns just $23,204 in scholarship

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